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With seven series of pictures, full and accurate data, this book is readable and attractive.

With self-accusation, everybody analyzed the deficiencies of the work and agreed that what we lacked most was grand fruits therefore we would try our best to carry out what should be done before. 大家(带自责性质地)分析了以前工作中的诸多不足,认为我们最缺的是震撼人心的成果,所以要在新的一届中做出吸引眼球的东西,把以前想做而没做的事付诸实践。
With self-support import and export authority, we extend our trading scope to Europe, Canada, Japan and other countries and regions. 其贸易网络由天津伸展至欧洲、加拿大、日本等国家。
With sensor to check ink is insufficient or abnormal, red warning light will flash, therefore, operator can resolve the problems immediately. 设有电子感应器可于油墨异常停止时,闪亮其红色警告灯警告操作者。使其容易发现并控制。
With sensors on the head, waist, and near the wheels, Pal and Chum demonstrated how they could react to commands. 机器人“好朋友”和“好伙伴”的头部、腰部和轮子附近都装有传感器,它们示范了如何通过传感器对指令做出反应。
With seven people dead and more than 150 people hospitalized with symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, the Seattle Times devoted the top half of its front page on Dec. 20 to publishing an urgent warning in six languages: Do not burn charcoal or use gaso 在一氧化碳中毒症状造成7人死亡、150多人住院后,「西雅图时报」12月20日以头版上半版的版位,以6种语言刊出紧急警告:不要在室内燃烧木炭或使用汽油发电机,也不要开煤气炉来使家里变暖。
With seven series of pictures, full and accurate data, this book is readable and attractive. 书中选配有大量图片,图文并茂,资料翔实,文字流畅,引人入胜。
With several fan-shaped filter disks, which may overturn unloaded materials, installed on the annular internal and external frames, and can be connected with the defect air disk located in the center of the internal frame. 由若干个可倾翻卸料的扇形过滤盘,安置在环形内外框架上,并与位于内框架中心的错气盘连接而成。
With several of their planes temporarily out of commission, the airline is losing money. 航空公司因有几架飞机暂时不能使用而正在赔钱.
With shadows I spend it all. 我将把它与阴影一起消磨待尽。
With sharp eyes and keen sensibility, she has uncompromisingly tackled the hot issues in Taiwan. 她文笔犀利,目光敏锐,理性训练充分,行文切中社会热点问题。
With short circuit, overload,charging protection,prevention of feedback on the all-protection measures. 具有短路、过载、充电保护、防反接等全功能保护措施。

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