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The phrase with Environmental Dependencies shall be appended to the label of Standard Programs that have environmental dependencies.

The phrase could also describe Venetian art of the first decades of the 16th century. 这也可以用来概括16世纪前几十年的威尼斯画风。
The phrase describes som eone very shy or tim id. 此短语用来形容非常害羞或胆怯的人。
The phrase is almost certainly an allusion to the fact that the first joint an adult thumb measures roughly one inch, literally a rule (or ruler) of thumb. 这一短语当然是暗喻这一事实,即成人拇指的第一节大约是1英寸长,实际上是将拇指用做测量长度的尺子。
The phrase su tance abuse is often used i tead of drug abuse to make clear that su tances such as alcohol and tobacco can be just as harmfully misused as heroin and cocaine. 药品滥用这个词经常被用来代替毒品滥用,其目的是为了表明酒精和烟草这样的物质是可能像海洛因和可卡因那样被误用的。
The phrase substance abuse is often used instead of drug abuse to make clear that substances such as alcohol and tobacco can be just as harmfully misused as heroin and cocaine. 药品滥用这个词经常被用来代替毒品滥用,其目的是为了表明酒精和烟草这样的物质是可能像海洛因和可卡因那样被误用的。
The phrase with Environmental Dependencies shall be appended to the label of Standard Programs that have environmental dependencies. 措辞有环境相依性必须被加入到有环境相依性的标准程式名称中.
The phrase with Environmental Restrictions shall be appended to the label of a Standard System (Subset) that has environmental restrictions. 措辞有环境的限制必须添加在一个有环境限制的一个标准系统(子集)的名称后.
The phrase “Forgive us our sins, though we refuse to forgive those who sin against us” doesn't exist in the Bible. “请宽恕我们吧——我们曾拒绝宽恕曾经伤害过我们的人。”
The phrase “sources of law” is often used to describe methods and procedures by which law is created and developed, or the origin from which particular laws derive their authority or coercive force. “法的渊源”通常是被用来描述产生和制订法律的方法和程序,或者是特定法律的权威性和强制力的渊源。
The phrase “substance abuse ” is often used instead of “ drug abuse ” to make clear substances such as alcohol and tobacco can be just as harmfully misused as heroin and cocaine. 用“滥用物”而不用“滥用毒品、药物”是为了清楚表明:像酒精和烟草这样的物品的滥用和海洛因、可卡因的滥用一样有害。
The phrase “substance abuse” is often used instead of “drug abuse” to make clear that substances such as alcohol and tobacco can be just as harmfully misused as heroin and cocaine. 他们常用“物质滥用”而不用“药物滥用”来清楚表明滥用酒精、烟草这样的物质如同滥用海洛因和可卡因一样有害。

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