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She's the most likely person for the job.

She's the embodiment of kindness. 她是慈祥的化身.
She's the equal of her brother as far as intelligence is concerned. 论智力, 她和她哥哥不相上下.
She's the fastest swimmer on the team. Her time is off the charts. 她是队里最快的游泳运动员。她的成绩已经破记录了。
She's the girl who won the prize. 她是得奖的那个女孩。
She's the head of the firm's personnel department. 她是公司人事部门的负责人。
She's the most likely person for the job. 她是对那工作而言最像样的人。
She's the new girl in the office, so give her any help she needs. 她是办公室的新人,她有什麽需要就多帮帮忙.
She's the offspring of a scientist and a musician. 她是一位科学家和一位音乐家的女儿.
She's the only one that really existed in the first place. 在个故事中,她是真正唯一真实存在的人物.
She's the only one who notices. 她是唯一注意这一切的人。
She's the pride of the school. 它是学校的骄傲。

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