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A distressed mistress has suppressed the witnessed stiffness of the harness.

A distinguished clergyman and the elders from his congregation attended an out-of-town meeting that did not finish until rather late. 一位著名牧师和他教区的几位老人出席城外会议直到天黑才开完会,他们打算在回家前吃点东西。
A distinguishing name or title. 名称,称号(用于区分的)名字或头衔
A distortion of shape. 变形形状的扭曲
A distortion or twist, especially in a piece of wood. 弯曲歪曲、变形、尤指某一木头
A distracted defector has subtracted some compact extract from the impacted interaction. 受到困扰的变节者从被冲击的相互作用中抽去了一些紧密的提取物。
A distressed mistress has suppressed the witnessed stiffness of the harness. 一个痛苦的主妇抑制了有旁证的玩具的硬度。
A distributed algorithm for finding the weak vertex cover of a graph is presented in this paper, which can be used for monitor-nodes selection in net traffic measurement. 摘要提出了一种分布式求解弱顶点覆盖集的近似算法,用于网络流量有效测量点的选择。
A distributed inventory system is introduced, which consists of a harmonizing center and several warehouses. This paper explores the warehousing technologies involved in the inventory system. 摘要介绍了一种由协调中心和若干仓库组成的分布式库存系统,并对该系统中仓储运作所涉及的技术进行了初步探讨。
A distributed mixed-traffic flow model based on techniques of Multi-Agent Systems is designed and a framework of urban mixed-traffic simulation system is proposed. 摘要以多智能体技术为手段,结合我国混合交通流的组成和复杂性特征,建立了一种分布式混合交通流模型,并提出了基于多智能体的城域混合交通仿真系统的体系结构。
A distributed model of incremental attribute reduction is also presented by decomposing values of decision attribute of positive region and boundary region in non-tolerant decision table. 此外,通过对不相容决策表的正区域的决策值和边界域对原决策表进行分解,得到了一种分布式增量属性约简模型。
A distribution enterprise reformed from a publishing entity's distributing department may engage in the general distribution of publications of the current edition, provided it must go through the formalities in accordance with the present Provisions. 出版单位的发行部门改制的发行企业可以从事本版出版物的总发行,但须按照本规定第六条、第七条的规定办理手续。

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