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The decision widens the rift between the auto giant and the struggling parts maker over the best way to avert a crippling strike.

The decision was set aside . 决议被搁置。
The decision was set aside. 决议被搁置。
The decision was simple: Linda was to study in the nearby all-white school. After the school refused her, Mr. Brown filed a lawsuit against the local board of education. 父亲的决定很简单:琳达要在附近的白人学校读书。学校拒绝接受她之后,布朗先生起诉了当地教育委员会。
The decision went in his favour . 这一判决对他有利.
The decision went in his favour. 这一判决对他有利.
The decision widens the rift between the auto giant and the struggling parts maker over the best way to avert a crippling strike. 通用汽车与德尔福之间在如何避免罢工、以免业务陷入瘫痪的问题上存在分歧,而上述决定加大了这一分歧。
The decision, available on the Web, is an instant classic of science writing, not to mention jurisprudence. 网路上可阅览的判决结果,可说是科学写作的现成经典,更别提在法律上的意义。
The decision-making (DM) problem is investigated for cooperative multiple target attack in air combat. 摘要研究了多机协同多目标攻击空战决策问题。
The decision-making organization should pay attention to leaving elastic space in the design of the social insurance tax. 决策机构在进行社会保险税的制度设计时应考虑留有一定的弹性空间。
The decision-making process begins with clarifying what is required. Aims and objectives are frameworks to tell you what is important or unimportant, relevant or irrelevant, urgent or not urgent. 这个决策的过程开始时要弄清楚什么是必需的,目的以及目标。这个结构告诉你什么是重要的,什么是次要的,什么是相关的,什么是无关的,还有什么是急迫的,什么是可以缓的。
The decision-making process is best understood if we start at the end. 如果我们着眼(或者开始)于这个目标,整个决策的过程就能被很好理解。

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