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An emerald of that size, unflawed, would be worth a king's ransom.

An embellishment in strip form, made of wood or other structural material, that is used to decorate or finish a surface, such as the wall of a room or building or the surface of a door or piece of furniture. 装饰线条线条形式的装饰,由木头或其它构造材料制成,用作装饰或完成一个表面,如房间或建筑的墙,一扇门或一件家具的表面
An embolus from a cardiac valvular vegetation from the left side of the heart can travel out the systemic circulation. 主动脉瓣的赘生物脱落形成栓子进入血液循环。
An embroidered or woven decoration on the side of a stocking or sock. 绣花边花,袜子侧边的织花位于长袜或短袜一侧的刺绣或编织的装饰图案
An embroidery stitch that produces a decorative zigzag line. 羽状绣花针迹绣成之字形装饰曲线的一种刺绣针迹
An embryonic nation, not yet self-governing. 一个早期的国家,还没有自治
An emerald of that size, unflawed, would be worth a king's ransom. 一块那么大、而又无瑕疵的绿宝石会是价值连城的。
An emergency radio beacon helped rescue three climbers on Mount Hood and a big dog kept them warm. The group endured a foul and a cold night before being found. 三名被困于胡得上的登山者由于紧急无线电广播台的帮助而获救,在此之前,一条大狗帮助他们保持温暖。这群人忍受了一夜的寒冷。
An emergency room physician cut the umbilical cord in the parking lot, and doctors attended to Johnson until she could be taken to Uniontown Hospital, which has a maternity unit. 一位急诊室医生立即赶到停车场将脐带剪断,此后有多名医生一直守侯在约翰逊身边,直到她被送往另外一家专门设有妇产科的联盟镇医院。
An emigrant from England in 1860, she stayed in Australia and became the spokeswoman for the immigrant population. 作为1860年来自英国的移民,她留在了澳大利亚,并且成了移民人口的发言人。
An eminent aeronautical engineer's perspective on the history of engineering. 一位杰出航天工程师关于工程历史的观点。
An eminent or distinguished person. 杰出人物,伟人杰出的或卓著的人

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