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She has always been deeply religious, and even contemplated becoming a Methodist minister.

She has also published more than thirty of her poetry, such as a Woman's discoveryand The Blind Season, From August, Girl's Dusk, Painting-like Life, Love sweaterand the Vigil, A youthful dream. 曾发表诗歌《一个女人的发现》、《失明的季节》、《从八月开始》、《少女的黄昏》、《油画生活》、《爱情毛衣》、《守夜》、《青春一梦》等三十余首。
She has also taken some less 1)glamorous 2)roles. 她也曾接演比较不起眼的角色。
She has always a gracious smile. 她脸上总是带着和蔼可亲的微笑。
She has always been a sucker for romantic movies. 她从古至今对浪漫的电影都很入迷。
She has always been a wayward individual. 她一直是个任性的人。
She has always been deeply religious, and even contemplated becoming a Methodist minister. 她还一直是个虔诚的信徒,甚至考虑成为一名卫理公会[4]的牧师。
She has always been desirous of fame. 她一直想成名。
She has always feared mice. 她一向害怕老鼠。
She has always feared old age. 她总是害怕年老。
She has always loathed her nickname of Shorty. 她总是憎恶她的暱称矮子。
She has always looked up to her father. 她一向崇敬她的父亲。

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