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The surgeon must be aware of traumatically cervical discs protrusion which may cause severe nerve injury during traction.

The surgeon graft the dead man's kidney into his patient. 这位外科医生将死人的两个肾移植到他的病人身上。
The surgeon grafted the dead man's kidneys into his patient. 这位外科医生将死人的两个肾移植到他的病人身上。
The surgeon has performed the operation. 外科医生做了手术。
The surgeon is operating on Betty. 外科医生正在为贝蒂做手术。
The surgeon is performing a delicate operation. 那位外科医生正在做一个很精细的手术。
The surgeon must be aware of traumatically cervical discs protrusion which may cause severe nerve injury during traction. 对撑开屈曲型损伤,应警惕创伤性颈椎间盘突出,以免在牵引复位过程中发生严重的神经损伤。
The surgeon muttered his dissatisfaction. 外科医生低声发洩他的不满。
The surgeon on casualty duty was so busy that he just had time to bolt down a sandwich. 那位值急诊班的外科医生非常忙碌,他仅有时间狼吞虎咽地吃了一份三明治。
The surgeon operated on her for a tumor. 医生为她的肿瘤开刀。
The surgeon operated on her for appendicitis. 外科医生为她做阑尾切除手术。
The surgeon performed an operation. 外科医师动了手术。

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