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A controversial operation involving the transplant of foetal brain cells into sufferers from a devastating brain disease has slowed the patients' decline.

A controlled change in movement or direction of a moving vehicle or vessel, as in the flight path of an aircraft. 操纵机动车辆在动作或方向上的节制性改变,如飞行器的飞行路线上
A controlled premature termination of processing activity in a computer system because of a mistake, nonrecoverable error, or malfunction. 由于事故、不可恢复的错误或故障,以一种受控制的方式提前结束计算机系统内的处理活动。
A controller based on TMS320F2812 was designed for servo systems with high precision. 摘要设计了以TMS320F2812为核心的用于高精度伺服控制场合的数字控制器。
A controller is key factor for determining acoustic performances and price for an adaptive active noise control system applied to practical engineering. 摘要在自适应有源噪声控制的实际应用中,控制器是决定整个系统性能和价格的关键因素。
A controversial film that set the entertainment world on its ear. 一部有争议的电影使得娱乐界一片哗然
A controversial operation involving the transplant of foetal brain cells into sufferers from a devastating brain disease has slowed the patients' decline. 法国医学家日前发表一份研究报告说,在医学界一直存在争议的脑细胞移植治疗可使脑病患者,特别是亨丁顿舞蹈症患者的病情得到一定程度的缓解。
A controversial or unorthodox opinion or doctrine, as in politics, philosophy, or science. 异端邪说有争议的或非正统的观点或学说,如政治、哲学或科学上的
A convenience and feasible control system was designed to settle some problems on traffic signal lights against actual application. 摘要针对交通信号灯在实际应用中存在的一些问题,设计了一套方便可行的控制系统。
A convenient and effective testing system for plastic eacapsulated microcircuit is designed .The testing results show that Si3N4 passivation on test chip has the better protection than that without Si3N4 passivation, and silicone gel coating can prevent m 贮存试验的结果表明,在芯片上加氮化硅钝化层比不加钝化层具有更好的防护效果;与聚酰亚胺胶内涂层相比,硅酮胶内涂层更能有效地阻止水分到达芯片的表面;由于材料本身的差异,不同厂家生产的模塑封装材料对微电路的影响也不同。
A convenient design method on a water environment management information system was approached by using COM (component object model) technology and the longitude-latitude structure design method, So, the method can promote the expansibility of the informa 采用经纬式系统结构设计方法及COM技术,从功能角度出发探讨了一种可定制通用水环境信息系统的设计方法与实现手段,从而提高了信息系统可扩展性,缩短了开发周期,该系统能满足不同部门的需求。
A convenient, quick and low costing new method of gas chromatographic analysis with only one column has been set up to analyze the O2, CO and CO2 in sample gas by only one inject. 摘要建立了一种在单色谱柱条件下一次进样同时分析样品气中的氧、一氧化碳和二氧化碳的新的色谱方法。

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