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Each day I see you pass by me. Your broad shoulders are all my dream.

Each crop in wheat-maize rotation needs 4500 m3/ha water for the whole growth period, 9000 m3/ha in total. 小麦-玉米轮作中每季作物全生育期需水4500米3/公顷,两季共需9000米3/公顷。
Each cylinder should be labelled and colour-coded. The batch number and/or filling date and expiry date may be on a separate label. 每个气瓶都应贴标签及色标,批号、充气日期及有效期可以出现在另外的一张标签上。
Each dance has significance in the greater dance of the human drama, as each allows for the release of a certain segment of karma that no one else can release other than the individual at cause. 在人类戏剧之更大的舞蹈中,每一个舞蹈都有着意义,因为每一个都容许特定的一段业力被释放,除了引起业力的个体,没有其他人能来释放。
Each datatype is associated with a convertor. The task of the convertor is to convert from string representation to object representation, and vice versa. 每个资料型态有自己的变换器.变换器的工作是将字串变换成物件,等等.
Each day I love you more. 每天爱你多一些。
Each day I see you pass by me. Your broad shoulders are all my dream. 你存在我生活里的每一天,你宽大的肩膀是我梦想依托的地方.
Each day during the satellite eclipseseason the sun is blocked by the Earth and sunlight is not available to the GOES solar array. 在星蚀季节期间日子里由于太阳光被地球阴影遮挡使太阳能电池阵列不能提供能量。
Each day good things are wished for you and today's like all the rest. 我们每天都为你祝福,今天也毫不例外.
Each day has a glyph (an energy) and a number (a force). 每一天都有一个象形文字(一种能量)和一种数字(一种力量)。
Each day is a holiday, and ordinary holidays when they come are grudged as enforced interruptions in an absorbing vocation. 每个工作日象假日一样,平时节日的来临被抱怨为是对他们正全神贯注的工作的强行中断。
Each day is a holidy, and ordinary holidays when they come are grudged as enforced interruptions in an absorbing vocation. 每一天都是假期,法定假期到来时,他们不愿休假,认为这是强行终端干扰了他们精彩的假期。

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