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Smaller eyes, attached to wriggling stalks, sprout from the top of the orblike body.

Smaller buffers will give you less latency, but the audio may stutter if your computer is not fast enough. 缓冲区越小,提供的缓冲能力就越小,但是如果的你计算机不够快的话,音频就有可能断断续续。
Smaller clothing sizes always sell out quickly at clearance sales. 清仓大甩卖时,较小尺寸的衣服总是很快就卖光。
Smaller diameter slip ring to increase brush life. 集电环减小,延长电刷使用寿命。
Smaller diameter slip ring to increase brushes life. 集电环减小,延长电刷使用寿命。
Smaller displays could be wrapped around a person's forearm or incorporated into clothing. 尺寸较小的显示器可以卷绕在手臂上,或是与衣服结合。
Smaller eyes, attached to wriggling stalks, sprout from the top of the orblike body. 从球形的身体上长出许多蜿蜒扭曲的肉茎眼梗,每一条的末端都是一只较小的眼睛。
Smaller groups of stars called globular clusters often surround spiral galaxies. 称作球状星团的小型恒星团体经常环绕在旋涡星系周围。
Smaller herbivores tend to live in caves, by the swamps or up in the tree crowns to hide away from their predators, while larger ones survive on the open fields, along the ridges and in the forest. 草食动物躯体较小的,都爱躲在地窟沼泽或者爬到树梢上面生活;躯体较大者如羚羊、鹿等,则多在广阔的原野、山岗、森林以及沼泽中求生。
Smaller movies with limited appeal could have the most to gain from alternative distribution, either through movie downloads or bypassing studios altogether and selling DVD's directly to consumers. 小成本影片能由两种方式取得最大的收益,既可以通过网上下载,也可以索性绕过电影公司直接卖给消费者。
Smaller shares have held sway ever since the bursting of the dotcom bubble[3] . 自从网络经济泡沫破灭以后,小型股一直是股市的主导。
Smaller than a distance of about 10-35 meter, known as the Planck length, neither relativity nor standard quantum theory can predict what the particle will do. 可是到了比10-35公尺(即所谓的普朗克长度)还小时,不管是相对论还是标准的量子理论,就都没办法预测粒子会有什麽行为了。

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