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He who risks nothing gains nothing.

He who realizes his shortcomings is getting closer to spiritual ripeness. 意识到自己的缺点就是正在接近思想的成熟。
He who rebukes a man will afterward find more favor Than he who flatters with the tongue. 箴28:23责备人的、后来蒙人喜悦、多于那用舌头谄媚人的。
He who refuses nothing will soon have nothing to refuse. 对什么都不拒绝的人很快会没有东西可拒绝。
He who rejects Me and does not receive My words has one who judges him; the word which I have spoken, that will judge him in the last day. 48弃绝我不领受我话的人,有审判他的,就是我所讲的话,在末日要审判他。
He who rides on a tiger can never dismount. 【谚】骑虎难下。
He who risks nothing gains nothing. 收获与风险并存。
He who risks nothing, gains nothing. 不冒险就无所得。
He who said to them, Here is rest, give rest to the weary,And, Here is repose,but they would not listen. 赛28:12他曾对他们说、你们要使疲乏人得安息.这样才得安息、才得舒畅.他们却不肯听。
He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk even as He walked. 6那说自己住在祂里面的,就该照祂所行的去行。
He who says to a king, You worthless one! And to nobles, You wicked one! 18祂对君王说,你是卑劣的!对贵胄说,你是邪恶的!
He who says to the wicked man, You are righteous, Peoples will curse him; nations will abhor him. 24对恶人说,你是义人,说这话的人必受众民咒诅,为列邦所憎恶。

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