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“Boys, let's get in there!

“Blood Sugar Tea” is a kind of herbal medicine packed tea elaborately produced by Professor Cao Qingrong, former leader of Guangxi Medicine Research Institute through more than 20 years of improvement of the traditional formula of “Red Needle Three -Infus “常糖茶”是一种喝了之后能使体中过高的血糖恢复到正常、健康而稳定的中草药袋泡茶,由原广西药物研究所所长曹庆荣教授在古方“红针三泡茶”的基础上经20多年的改进、完善和提高,运用现代高科技方法提炼其活性成分精制而成。
“Blue-eyed men may have unconsciously learned to value a physical trait that can facilitate recognition of own kin,“ the scientists said in the journal Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 这篇研究报告在《行为生态学和生物社会学》上发表提到,“蓝眼睛男人无论是否知道这个规则,他们在潜意识里会注重这种具有‘识别功能’的身体特征。”
“Bonaparte said so,” observed Prince Andrey with a sarcastic smile. “这是波拿巴说的话”安德烈公爵冷冷一笑,说道。
“Both are centre-forwards with a lot of power, but that doesn't mean they can't play in the same side. “两人同为强力前锋,但并不是说他们就不能同时在场上。
“Boy, why have you got cotton-wool in your ear? Is it infected? “孩子,你为什么用棉花塞住耳朵?你耳朵感染了吗?”
“Boys, let's get in there! “弟兄们,一起上!”
“Brain Storm” is a brand new TV talk show by CBN, the first financial and business information platform for multi-region and multimedia in China. 《头脑风暴》是中国第一个跨地域、跨媒体的财经咨询平台——第一财经旗下的全新谈话类节目。
“Brown and blue blend as water from Ginnie Spring mixes with river water tinted by plant tannins. 当混有植物中的丹宁酸的河水和金妮泉的泉水混合造成了这棕色和蓝色的混合。
“Brutal Force, just Brutal Force. 毫不掩饰的暴力。
“Buffon represents a lot for Italy,” noted the tactician. “And Juventus have the good fortune of already having him here. 对意大利来说,布冯代表了很多,这位战术家称,拥有他是尤文的好运气.
“Burning” a Book Churning the accounts of customers without profit to the point that they will no longer allow a broker to transact trades for them. “烧毁”记录簿多次炒单而没有利润,使得客户不再允许该经纪人为他们操作交易。

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