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The first drug approved for use against HIV, zidovudine (AZT), is a nucleoside analogue as well.

The first door I see is the opportunity to study different kinds of subjects that interest us. 我看到的第一扇门就是学习自己喜欢的各种不同学科的机会。
The first down to high schools and colleges nearby the two cities to collect participant lists. 也就是当时是采由上而下的命令方式实施。
The first draw on the peace pipe is always dedicated to the sun. 和睦烟斗的第一口烟献给太阳。
The first drink Thursday was on the house in the leading saloon. 一些有名气的酒吧,星期四的头一杯酒从前是免费的。
The first driver to hit a button on the display gets the call. 第一个在显示器上按下按钮的司机便得到这个呼叫。
The first drug approved for use against HIV, zidovudine (AZT), is a nucleoside analogue as well. 第一个上市对抗HIV的药物是叠氮胸苷(AZT),也是核苷的类似物。
The first economic thinker to be so honoured could well be the last. 他是第一位载誉如此的经济学家,亦很可能是最后一位。
The first edition is now available. See Table of Contents (PDF). 第一版现在有效。请参考内容列表(PDF).
The first edition of Debrett's Peerage and Baronetage -- known in Britain as the toff's biblewas published in 1769, and its tome on manners, Debrett's Correct Form, has guided high society for decades. 1769年发行的第一版《德布雷特贵族与公爵》被誉为英国的“纨绔圣经”;以礼仪为主要内容的《德布雷特正确礼仪》则引导上流社会长达几十年。
The first edition of Life is published. 1936年,第一期生活杂志出版(美)。
The first edition of Robinson Crusoe was printed in 1719. 《鲁滨逊漂流记》第一版是在1797年出版的。

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