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Anthony:Just look at me. I'm smart, charming, and I have a good job.

Anthony:Aren't women always? 安东尼:女人不总是这样吗?
Anthony:Do you think I should ask Caroline out? 安东尼:你觉得我该约卡洛琳出去吗?
Anthony:Don't you love her? 安东尼:难道你不爱她吗?
Anthony:I just treat them well. Women love romance. 安东尼:我不过是对她们很好。女人都喜欢浪漫的情调。
Anthony:Is that a bad thing? 安东尼:这样不好吗?
Anthony:Just look at me. I'm smart, charming, and I have a good job. 安东尼:看看我,我聪明、迷人又有一份好工作。
Anthony:Tamshui, man. It always hits a home run for a romantic evening. 安东尼:淡水啊,老兄。在那里一定可以成功制造一个罗曼蒂克的夜晚。
Anthony:That's a lie. Susan just has a crush on me. So she wants us to break up. 安东尼:那是骗人的。其实是因为苏珊暗恋我,所以想让我们分手。
Anthony:What did you do when she said it was over? 安东尼:她说你们之间已经结束之后,你有什么反应?
Anthony:Why not? She's really pretty. 安东尼:为什么不行?她真的很正点。
Anthony:Yes, but it's hard to catch any good ones. 安东尼:是啊,但是要捕到好鱼也不容易。

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