During the same period, only four states have reintroduced the death penalty.
同期,只有四个国家重新引入死刑。 |
During the same two to three minutes the aircraft interior will be filled with toxic fumes, which can ignite causing a flash fire.
在同样的2-3分钟内,飞机内部将充满有毒气体,并有可能引发闪燃情况的出现。 |
During the scaffold erection and when walking on the pipe rack, safety harness must be secured to the life line on the pope rack.
脚手架搭设过程中和在管架上行走必须将安全带扣在设置好的横杆或生命线上. |
During the season of Christmas each year, traders use their own unique tricks to drum up their business.
每年圣诞节期间,商家们各显神通来招揽生意。 |
During the second lesson, one is restriced by not only the degree of the sense of pleasure of the previouslesson, but also the degree of the sense of pleasure brought by the study method of this lesson.
那么第二节课的学习过程中,将受到上节课的心理愉悦程度与本节课的学习方法所带来的心理愉悦程度的双重制约。 |
During the second quarter ending July 30, 2004, company shipment growth of 28 percent in Asia Pacific and Japan was more than double that of the rest of the industry.
截止到2004年4月30日的第一财季中,戴尔在亚太和日本地区的总体产品出货量增长了38%,首次攀升至市场份额排名第二。 |
During the second week,the volunteers discontinued their medication.
他们睡得很沉但醒来时很累。 |
During the semester we shall carry out exercises that attempt to see the world through others' eyes, that employ ones own experience and knowledge as tools of observation and experimentation, that address the heritage of stable associations of use and for
在这个学期中我们将做些练习,其目的是试图通过他人的眼睛了解世界,利用一些人自身的经验和知识作为观察和试验的工具,透过建筑传达出的使用和形式提出稳定的历史传承关系,将设计中的一些操作过程具体展现出来以及在设计的策略和规则之外加强美学的意图,考虑具有系统特性和人为特性的更复杂的中继实物。 |
During the semester you should check in with your advisor pretty frequently, to keep him or her abreast of progress (or aware that you haven't made any).
在整个工作周期中你应该适时地和自己的导师反馈信息,以使他或她和工作的过程同步(或者明白你什么还没有做)。 |
During the service,whatever kind it is,all the attendants should coordinate with each other,and pay special attention to meal and beverage service to avoid missing delivery and not to splash on the passengers.
在服务中,无论是哪一种服务,乘务员都要注意相互协调,特别是餐饮服务,避免漏送,或将饮料打翻在旅客身上。 |
During the session, the subjects were under hypnosis and lay in the PET scanner with their eyes covered.
他们在催眠时的幻听能力已经事先记录下来了。 |