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Spirituality and sexuality are not seperate.

Spiritual leaders gather in Wesak Valley, a mythic place high in the Himalayas. 精神领导者聚集在卫塞谷,一块喜马拉雅山高地的神秘地方。
Spiritual life and ethical discipline seem worthless and fraudulent. 精神和道德上的条条框框便没有任何意义且是场骗局。
Spiritual songs are praise and worship songs which come from one's heart and soul. 灵歌是指从一个人的心灵里所唱出的敬拜赞美神的歌。
Spiritual, magical, and occultaspects of human behavior in anthropological and historical perspective: magic, ritual curing, trance, spirit possession, sorcery, and accusations of witchcraft. 以人类学和历史学的方法研究人类行为的精神、魔幻和玄妙的层面:魔法、巫医、催眠法、灵魂、巫术和魔咒。
Spiritualism came in the wake of the inventions of the telegraph and telephone that made it possible to send messages over long distances. 唯灵论的出现,正好遇上电报和电话的发明,使长距离通讯成为可能。
Spirituality and sexuality are not seperate. 灵性和性欲并没有分离。
Spiritually impoverished or alienated. 精神上颓丧;无寄托的
Spiritually or physically destroyed. 无感觉的,麻木的精神上或肉体上被摧毁的
Spiritually speaking, everyday should be Children's Day for us. 从属灵角度来看,每天对我们来说,都该是儿童节。
Spiro Agnew had resigned in October 1973 after charges of tax evasion; the leaders of Congress had picked Mr Ford to succeed him. 1973年10月12日,斯皮罗?阿格纽副总统因被指控逃避所得税而辞职,国会领袖们商议挑选他继任副总统。
Spiro, David E. The State of Cooperation in Theories of State Cooperation: The Evolution of a Category Mistake.In Journal of International Affairs 42, no. 1 (1988): 205-225. “国家合作理论中的合作状态:在错误范畴内的演进”,选自《国际事务期刊》,第42期,第1号(1988年):页205-255。

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