Last spring we went on a trip to Beijing.
去年春天我们去北京旅游了。 |
Last spring, 322 principals, a fifth of the total, joined this “empowerment” programme.
去年春天,322名校长(占总数1/5)被纳入了这一“放权”计划。 |
Last spring, Shadle headed to Tampa Bay to photograph a spoonbill rookery there.
去年夏天,夏德去坦帕湾拍摄琵鹭聚居地。 |
Last spring, Taipei rationed residential water to fight the drought.
去年春天,台北分区供应民生用水以抗乾旱。 |
Last spring,we had heavy rain for weeks on end,so there was a serious flood.
去年春天这儿一连好几周下雨,因此出现了严重的洪水. |
Last summer I spent days in the garden watching thousands of ants crawling up the trunk of my prize peach tree.
去年夏天,我花了好几天时间站在花园里观察成千只蚂蚁爬上我那棵心爱的桃树的树干。 |
Last summer I spent my holiday by the sea.
去年夏天我的假期是在海边度过的。 |
Last summer had goddamn near twenty-five percent loss.
我可不想再发生这种事。 |
Last summer he lived in a house in the countryside free from the noise of the city.
去年夏天,他在一所乡间村舍住了一个月,远离城市的喧闹。 |
Last summer it was very dry, too.
去年夏天也是干得很。 |
Last summer she was playing with toys in hospital in Lima, five days after one of her operations.
去年夏天的一场手术后,塞隆在位于秘鲁首都利马的一家医院里。 |