In fact, the real intention of this phraseology is to put the non-sovereign entity of Taiwan on a flight pathfor a future unification with the PRC.
事实上,这个公报的目的,无非是想把非主权独立的台湾,置放在一个将来可以与中华人民共和国「合并」的航道。 |
In fact, the situation can be described using the geometrical tools of general relativity.
事实上,这类情况可以用广义相对论的数学几何工具来描述。 |
In fact, the speed of programs is only very seldom limited by the amount of machine time they can get (there are a few exceptions to this rule, such as sound or 3-D graphics generation).
事实上,一个运行着的程序对于它们的时间片只受非常小的限制(但是有一个非常小的例外,比如一些声音或者3D图象程序)。 |
In fact, the spring of the absorber is not massless.
实际上,避振器的弹簧具有质量。 |
In fact, the study says that today a majority of all public school districts nationwide do not have a single school named after a president.
事实上,这项研究称现在,全国地区性的超过大多数的公立学校没有一所是用任何总统来命名的。 |
In fact, the study says that today, a majority of all public school districts nationwide do not have a single school named after a president.
研究表明,事实上,目前全国大多数的公立学校学区并不是仅仅用总统的名字来命名。 |
In fact, the theatre sometimes shows from a laser projector rather than by using a real movie copy, especially for some films not easily available.
后来得知,这家影院还经常用镭射放映一些不轻易看得到的老片子。 |
In fact, the two go hand in hand.
事实上,理念始终与商业实践携手共进。 |
In fact, the unit test is example of real world. It's automatic and be controlled. The expanse has value.
实际上,单元测试正是现实世界的一个例子。这是自动的并且是被控制的。花费的代价是值得的。 |
In fact, the validity of monitoring depends on the institutional environment to a great extent.
其实,监督的有效性在很大程度上取决于制度环境。 |
In fact, the very admission of these limitations is a de facto admission of the need for more adequate theories, and this is notoriously against established interests.
事实上,承认这些局限性的事实本身实际上就是承认对更充分理论的需要,而正是这个违背了已经确立的利益。 |