How do we raise up our children?
我们要如何教养孩童呢? |
How do we set hiring criteria?
我们如何设定录取标准? |
How do we stop young children from looking at Internet sites that have inappropriate content?
我们如何阻止儿童浏览网上的不良信息? |
How do we use these standard forms?
如何使用这些标准表格? |
How do we want to position the brand in the consumer's mind? (E.g.. What conceptual space do we wand to own?
我们期望品牌在消费头脑中的形象和位置是什么?我们期望什么样的定位? |
How do you account for all the accidents in series?
你怎么解释这接二连三地发生的事故呢? |
How do you account for that?
你对此做何说明? |
How do you account for the mistake?
你如何解释这一错误呢? |
How do you achieve depth or that third dimension in a stereo image?
你是如何在立体声声像里面营造深度和立体感的? |
How do you add calcium to chocolate without tasting chalk-a-lot?
怎样给巧克力里面添加钙质而又使它吃起来不那么味同嚼蜡。 |
How do you add iron and C without instability?
你怎样加入铁和C不会使其有不稳定性? |