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David : Out with the boys. See you later.

Dave: Beneath you! Why you little ingrate ! I gave you a job and this is how you repay me?? 有失你的身份?你真是忘恩负义!我给了你一份工作,而这就是你回报我的方式?
Dave:A little bit of both, to be honest. 戴夫:老实说,两者都有一点吧。
David : Football practice and you'll need this. (Throws jockstrap to her) Hurry up ! 戴维:足球训练,你还需要这个(把护具抛给她),快点吧!
David : I'll go move my truck. 我去把我的卡车移下位置吧。
David : No, don't be silly, I'm trying out some new speech recognition software. 戴维:不是,别胡说。我在试验一种新的声音辨识软件。
David : Out with the boys. See you later. 戴维:和我的兄弟们出去,待会儿见。
David : So anyway, what's new with you? Would you like a beer? 戴维:无论如何,你近况如何?要不要喝杯啤酒?
David :Like what, for example? 戴维:你自己属意什么样的工作?
David :What do you feel about that? 戴维:你自己怎样想呢?
David Abreu, the tireless viticulturalist consults for some of California ’s finest producers, who recognize his perfectionist attitude in planting and maintaining vineyards. 大卫?雅布,这名夙夜匪懈的葡萄园管理师替许多加州最知名的酒庄管理庄园。
David Banda, dressed in designer gear, was cuddled by his superstar mum at JFK airport before the family boarded a flight to Heathrow. 戴维班达穿着一款设计师模样的衣服,舒服地躺在他妈*怀里,他们正在肯尼迪机场,准备登机前往希斯罗。

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