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Through an application of the theories of contrastive linguistics, this paper compares and expounds the phonetic and lexical formation and features of the two related languages with a view to finding the common points and rules.

Through an analysis of the frescoes, paper-cuttings, music and dances of Yunnan minorities, this paper discusses the relevant art diffusion, its inheritance, its media and forms as well as its significance. 文章通过云南少数民族留存下来的壁画、剪纸、乐舞等分析,指出其民族文化的艺术传播,以及艺术传播中对民族文化的保留,民族文化原传播介质以及“活形态”的存在,以及这些对研究民族文化的重要意义。
Through an analysis of the law of rainfall distribution, the weight function of rainfall center was improved, and a robust correction method with rainfall center considered was introduced based on the three-step correction method without consideration of 摘要分析流域降雨的分布规律,在遥测三步降雨误差抗差修正的基础上,进一步改进降雨中心的权函数。
Through an analysis of the operational features of the normal temperature-regulated dehumidifier and themostatic dehumidifier, this paper indicates the defects of both equipments in underground engineering and points out the major problem to be resolved i 摘要通过对普通调温除湿机和恒温恒湿机运行特性的分析,指出了这两种设备在地下工程中运行时存在的缺点,提出了在地下工程专用恒温除湿机的研制中需要解决的关键问题,并给出了样机的设计参数及测试结果。
Through an analysis of the successful experiences of Chinese and foreign rich and influential people, this book explains the life experiences of a number of such people in a comprehensive way, excavates their qualities, and sums up ten major qualities tha 本书通过对中外富豪成功经历的分析,力求完整解析富豪创富的历程,深度挖掘富豪成功的素质,总结出富豪必备的十大素质:敢于梦想;具有丰富的想像力和远见;善于发现机会,把握机会;多谋善断;具有强烈的冒险天性;果敢坚毅,知难而进;诚信为本;具有合作精神与团队组建能力;善于理财;勇于创新。
Through an analysis of the text of The Merchant of Venice, the author assumes, Shylock is such a usurer that his soul had been distorted by the greed for money, and his Jewish national consciousness had been weakened gradually. 摘要通过对《威尼斯商人》文本的分析,我们认为夏洛克是一个被金钱贪欲扭曲、犹太民族意识渐趋淡化的高利贷商人。
Through an application of the theories of contrastive linguistics, this paper compares and expounds the phonetic and lexical formation and features of the two related languages with a view to finding the common points and rules. 本文主要运用对比语言学相关理论,通过对这两种亲属语言语音、构词等进行现时状态的比较和描述,试图寻找拉祜语和载瓦语在形式结构方面共有的特点和规律。
Through an applied service learning approach, the course requires students to prepare a sustainable development plan for a community-based non-profit organization. 这门课通过提供服务来应用所学的方法,要求学生为一个基于社区的非牟利组织准备一个可持续发展方案。
Through an empirical analysis of the relation between high-low P/E ratio portfolio and indexed rate of return, this paper verifies, from one angle, that the Chinese stock market does not comply with the semi-strong efficient market hypothesis; it then pre 摘要通过对高低市盈率组合与指数收益率的关系的实证分析,从一个角度证明了我国股市不符合半强势有效假设;并采用回归分析法对股权结构与市盈率的关系进行了分析,证明了市盈率与总资产呈负相关关系。
Through an empirical study, it shows: Terms of trade, degree of opening-up to the outside and government expenditure are the economic variables which determine RMB's equilibrium rate of exchange; The reform of RMB's equilibrium rate of exchange system in 摘要实证研究表明:人民币均衡汇率的基本面经济变量是贸易条件、对外开放度、政府支出;1994年人民币汇率制度改革对均衡汇率有显著正影响。
Through an example of dewatering engineering at international stock exchange hotel in Wuhan, calculating with program, and ensuring foundation pit draw down, the optimum unit value of depth of filter tube and stop water heavy curtain to make water drawdow 通过国际证券大厦降水工程实例,利用程序进行计算,在保证基坑降深的前提下,找出水头降最低的止水帷幕的深度和滤水管长度的最佳组合值,为深基坑降水优化设计提供了一种思路。
Through an interdisciplinary comparative and historical lens, the course defines mediabroadly as including oral, print, theatrical, photographic, broadcast, cinematic, and digital cultural forms and practices. 透过跨学门的比较及历史性的观察角度,这门课程广泛地从口头、印刷、戏剧、摄影、广播、电影、以及数位等文化形式和实务来为“媒体”下定义。

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