Shortages of rolling stock make for packed passenger cars, especially during national holidays such as the Spring Festival that starts this weekend.
机车和车辆的缺乏造成客车的极度拥挤,尤其是在节日期间,例如本周末开始的春节。 |
Shortboard riding is faster and more athletic than longboard surfing.
比起长板来,短板冲浪速度更快,也更具运动性。 |
Shortcuts for launch new game or original one: Easily play any mod for the game.
启动新游戏和原始游戏的快捷方式:令你非常容易地启动新的游戏模式或者原始游戏模式. |
Shorten overcoat not knitting, adding on flower last decorations, abundant cutting of the rule and color pattern, dressing out pirate's interesting image in the roam desert island in the fairy tale very much.
缩短的针织外套、加上不收边的花朵缀饰,不太规矩的剪裁与丰富色彩图案,穿出童话中海盗流浪荒岛的趣味形象。 |
Shorten setup-adjustment time when PS plates are setup on the printing machine.
使用十字定位打孔机能够大幅度缩短印刷机拉版的时间. |
Shorten the leash, make your dog sit down or lay down, so the dog is calm and submissive.
当狗儿在定点处便便时,一定要马上清理狗儿们的便便,不要造成环境上的脏乱。 |
Shorten this report to 2000 words.
把这篇报告缩短为2000字。 |
Shortening or lengthening how long each image is seen on screen helps to demonstrate the pace of the animation.
控制动画广告草稿中每个画面在屏幕上的显示时长能够很好的用来帮助示范动画的节奏。 |
Shortening period of empty embryo; Prolonging period of galactopoiesis; Increasing yield of milk.
缩短空胎期,增长産乳期,增加牛乳总产量。 |
Shorter and more frequent rest stops allow you to enjoy various scenic spots. Why rush through a hike?
频繁的短休息能让你欣赏不同的景点,为什么要走的那么匆匆? |
Shorter codes lexicographically precede longer codes.
较短的编码在索引时要先于长的编码。 |