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Information on suspects increased, but spelling variations—due both to terrorist subterfuge and intelligence shortcomings—made it harder to interpret.

Information obtained by probes are put in your log files. 从太空探索其所得到的资料将会置放在你的战船的档案文件。
Information of system auto and cross spectrum, auto and cross correlation. coherent function, signal to noise ratio, frequency response and impulse response was established to help the study and arrangement of the module components. 由力规及加速规两量测之时域讯号,经快速富利叶转换,计算其自频谱及互频谱,再经反富氏转换回时域之自相关及互相关函数、相通函数、讯噪比、频率响应函数、脉冲响应函数。
Information on all aspects of Recording, Post Production and the Music Industry. 关于录音的所有方面的资讯,后制作和音乐工业。
Information on contraceptive use in the 5 years before pregnancy was obtained from medical records and pharmacy data. 妊娠前5年的避孕药有关信息均来自医疗记录及药房数据。
Information on requirements of shrimps, prawns, crabs, fishes and reptilans for proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals and their optimal proportions in feed ingredients was summarized to provide theory for formulated feeds for aquatic 摘要综合论述了虾蟹类、鱼类、爬行类等主要养殖动物对蛋白质与氨基酸、脂肪与脂肪酸、糖、维生素、矿物质的需要量和配合饲料中的适宜含量,旨为研制水产养殖动物配合饲料和提高养殖效益提供重要且系统的理论依据。
Information on suspects increased, but spelling variations—due both to terrorist subterfuge and intelligence shortcomings—made it harder to interpret. 犯罪嫌疑犯的详细情况有所增加,而名字的拼写变体却更难被音译,这是由恐怖分子的狡辩托辞与情报资料的疏漏造成的。
Information on the 5 Schools (Dance, Drama, Music, Technical Arts and Film/TV), the Cantonese Opera and EXCEL is available on 1/F. 有关五间学院(舞蹈,戏剧,音乐,科艺,电影电视),粤剧,持续及延展教育课程的资料及查询,设于一楼大堂.
Information on the enterprise AMADEUS INFOTECH PVT LTD and their services, like Recognition and Voice on one hand and Industrial plant and systems on the other, is available in the firm profile. 是一家信息管理系统范围内,以及识别、鉴别、信息系统和警察范围内可靠的工业型企业。
Information on the enterprise EMKA KRAFT GMBH and their services, like Industrial need and Industry representation on one hand and Wrapping paper and Corrugated cardboard on the other, is available in the firm profile. EMKA KRAFT GMBH是一家可靠的、知名的生产商和服务商,该公司提供很多令人震惊的产品,例如工业需求,工业代理、工业代理机构、工业代办处,包装纸、打包纸,波型纸板、瓦楞纸板。
Information on the enterprise Grohe Gesellschaft m.b.H. and their services, like Bath armatures and Shower system on one hand and Kitchen armatures and Thermostats on the other, is available in the firm profile. 公司积累了多年经验,在自己的网页上这家企业为您介绍其它的专门产品,例如关于洗浴装置、电解槽配件,喷淋系统,厨房配件,恒热器、恒温箱。
Information on the enterprise RATAN and their services, like Manufacturing and Furniture on one hand and Rattan and Sale on the other, is available in the firm profile. RATAN作为一家具有丰富经验的经济型企业,为您提供完成生产、加工,调节对象,藤条,卖、出售范围内效果显著的、高价值的产品。

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