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He was particularly attracted to work by German Theodor Kaluza and Swede Oskar Klein, which proposed that whereas gravity reflects the shape of the four familiar spacetime dimensions, electromagnetism arises from the geometry of an additional fifth dimens

He was overwhelmed by the intensity of her love. 她强烈的爱着他,使他不知所措。
He was paid a modest emolument. 他获酬甚微.
He was pale, perspiring he***ily, and nauseated. 他面色苍白,大汗淋漓并有些**。
He was pale, perspiring heavily, and nauseated. 他面色苍白,大汗淋漓并有些**。
He was panting heavily as he ran. 他气喘吁吁地跑著.
He was particularly attracted to work by German Theodor Kaluza and Swede Oskar Klein, which proposed that whereas gravity reflects the shape of the four familiar spacetime dimensions, electromagnetism arises from the geometry of an additional fifth dimens 他特别注意到德国人卡鲁扎与瑞典人克莱恩的研究,他们倡议重力可反映出熟悉的四个时空维度,而起源于额外第五维度几何的电磁力,则因为太过渺小,至少到目前为止无法直接看到。
He was particularly impressed with his finding that alchemical-like symbols could be found frequently in modern dreams and fantasies, and he thought that alchemists had constructed a kind of textbook of the collective unconscious. 他显著地对他的发现留有深刻的印象,那就是炼金术般的符号可以经常地在现代的梦和幻想中找到他认为炼金术已经构建了一种集体无意识类型的教科书。
He was passed over in favour of a younger man. 没考虑提升他而提升了一个小伙子.
He was passionate, throughout his life, about the need to create a vernacular written language that would throw off the shackles of Latin. 终其一生,但丁热衷于创造一种本土的书面语言,以摆脱拉丁语的束缚。
He was passionately fond of a youth named Hyacinthus. 他十分喜爱一个名叫雅辛托斯的少年。
He was past sixty and had a Michael Angelo's Moses beard curling down from the head of a satyr along the body of an imp. 他六十开外,有一把像米开朗琪罗的摩西雕像的胡子,从萨提尔似的头上顺着他半人半鬼一样的身体卷垂下来。

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