I read all kinds of books which not only give me informations but also make me feel calm.
我看不同类型的书。我觉得书不仅会告诉我知识外,也能让我的内心感到平静。 |
I read and made a text of Japanese translation.
读日语翻译的歌词,做了。 |
I read and reread all your letters.
你的信, 我都看了又看. |
I read and reread his short stories and plays.
他的短篇小说和剧作我百读不厌。 |
I read everything I can get my hands on but I like love sto-ries best.
我拿到什么书看什么书,但最喜欢看言情小说。 |
I read for pleasure in English.
以阅读英文为乐. |
I read his novel in manuscript.
我看过他小说的手稿。 |
I read his poems and soon forgot them,as if they lad been written in water.
我读了他的诗,很快就忘了,好像没能留下什么印象。 |
I read it in the local rag.
我从本地的报纸上看到了这条消息。 |
I read much less now than I did at school.
我现在看书远比我上学时少. |
I read novels to kill time.
我看小说来消磨时间. |