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Strengthening of tax collection administration of self-employed private economy and intensification of tax collection on audit of accounts are important measures in the standardization of administration of self-employed private economy and promotion of th

Strengthening economic growth, at the same time as winter grip the northern hemisphere, could push the price higher still in the short term? 促进经济增长,同时因为冬天牢牢地控制了北半球,在短期内仍然有可能抬高油价。
Strengthening economic growth, at the same time as winter grips the northern hemisphere, could push the price higher still in the short term. 强劲的经济增长势头,随着北半球冬季的到来,有可能在短期内使石油价格涨得更高。
Strengthening economic growth, at the same time as winter grips the northern hemisphere,could push the price higher still in the short term. 「译文」在北半球的冬季到来之际,强劲的经济增长有可能在短期内拉高石油价格。
Strengthening economic growth,at the same time as winter grips the northern hemisphere,could push the price higher still in the short term. 在北半球的冬季到来之际,强劲的经济增长有可能在短期内拉高石油价格。
Strengthening ephedrine warehouse and transport control. 三)加强麻黄素的仓储和运输管理。
Strengthening of tax collection administration of self-employed private economy and intensification of tax collection on audit of accounts are important measures in the standardization of administration of self-employed private economy and promotion of th 加强个体、私营经济税收征管,强化查帐征收工作是规范个体、私营经济管理,促进个体、私营经济健康发展的重要措施。
Strengthening of taxation administration of self-employed private economy and intensification of taxation on audit of accounts involve many sides and have an integral nature, it is therefore a difficult job. 加强个体、私营经济税收征管,强化查帐征收工作涉及面广,综合性强,难度较大。
Strengthening research into basic theories, organizing the tackling of key scientific and technological problems, developing and popularizing pracitical technology for environmental pollution prevention and control, fostering the growth of environmental p 加强基础理论研究,组织科技攻关,开发和推广防治环境污染的实用技术,扶植环境保护产业的发展,初步形成了环境保护科研体系。
Strengthening solidarity and cooperation with developing countries as the basic point of departure of China's diplomacy. 加强与发展中国家的团结与合作是中国外交的基本立足点。
Strengthening the Supervision and Inspection. 七、加强监督检查工作。
Strengthening the construction of ability of administration of the party, primary task lies in the consciousness that it is in power to strengthen a cadre, basic demand lies in the ability that it is in power to improve a cadre, the basic way lies in perf 加强党的执政能力建设,首要任务在于强化干部执政意识,基本要求在于提高干部执政本领,根本途径在于健全机制、提高效率。

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