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This is the invisible soul shoulder that I give you.

This is the imbalance of benefit of intellectual property right system embodied on the international layer, and also embodied as the conflict between the aborigines' right of cultural development and the intellectual property of western grand corporations 这是知识产权制度利益不平衡在国际层面上的体现,也体现为土著人文化发展权与西方大公司的知识产权的冲突。
This is the immunofluorescent appearance of the myocardium with antibody to lambda light chain. Thus, this is AL amyloid. 心肌中针对λ轻链抗体的免疫荧光图。为免疫细胞衍生性淀粉样变性。
This is the infamous dark matter, whose existence is inferred solely from its gravitational effects. 这就是声名狼藉的黑暗物质,其重力效应是我们认定它存在的唯一依据。
This is the instruction manual which/that tells you how to operate the computer. 这是那本教你如何操作计算机的说明手册。
This is the inverse of his earlier proposition. 这和他早些时候提的建议截然相反.
This is the invisible soul shoulder that I give you. 这就是我给你的无形的心灵肩膀.
This is the jubilant city That dwelt securely, That said in her heart, I am, And there is none besides me. 15这是素来欢跃安居的城,她心里说,惟有我,除我以外再没有别的。
This is the kangaroo from Australia. It bounces and bounces anywhere it wants to go. 这是来自澳大利亚的袋鼠。无论它去哪里都蹦蹦跳跳的。
This is the key issue that anyone building a significant system is facing day in and day out: how to organize complexity both by removing unnecessary, artificial, self-imposed complexity, and by organizing what remains of inevitable complexity. 任何一个正在构建大型系统的人,天天面对的中心议题就是:如何剔除不必要的、人为的、自找的复杂部分,并控制好剩下的、无可逃避的复杂性。
This is the key step in the accounting cycle. 这是会计循环的关键步骤。
This is the key to world peace. 这是世界和平的关键。

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