The TerminateProcess function is used to unconditionally cause a process to exit. |
中文意思: 就是说千万不要轻易用这个函数去退出一个进程。 |
The Ten plagues from God on the King of Egypt were the plagues of: blood, frogs, gnats, flies, livestock, boils, hail, Locusts, darkness, Death of first born.
神降于埃及王法老的十灾包括:血灾,蛙灾,虱灾,蝇灾,畜疫之灾,疮灾,雹灾,蝗灾,黑暗之灾,杀头生之灾. |
The Tender shall be governed by the Instruction to tender and The Terms and Conditions as set out in the Contract Form.
标书应该符合《投标说明》和合同表中的“条款和条件”的要求。 |
The Tennessee woman who killed her preacher husband has been sentenced to three years in prison. Mary Winkler must serve 210 days before she can be released on probation.
来自田那西的妇女玛丽.温克拉因杀害自己作为牧师的丈夫而被判入狱3年,其必须在狱中服刑满210天方能获得假释。 |
The Tenth Five-Year Plan points out the development goal of TEDA in the next five years.
“十五”计划提出了天津开发区今后五年的发展目标。 |
The Terminal stars Tom Hanks as Navorski.
《航站情缘》由汤姆?汉克斯饰演纳沃斯基。 |
The TerminateProcess function is used to unconditionally cause a process to exit.
就是说千万不要轻易用这个函数去退出一个进程。 |
The Terminator series is one of the most successful film franchises ever.
《终结者》是有史以来最成功的系列电影之一。 |
The Tertiary Education Commissions' (TEC) key role is to oversee the implementation of the Tertiary Education strategy and associated set of priorities.
高等教育委员会的职责是监管高等教育政策及举措在海外的实施工作。 |
The Tester at Work: designing, writing, and maintaining individual tests.
工作中的测试员:设计、编写和维护各测试。 |
The Tetranychus mites has become the major pest to vegetables.
摘要叶螨类害虫已成为我国蔬菜、果树和花卉的主要害虫。 |
The Texas Oil Company is headquartered in White Plai , New York, but its name is derived from the state of Texas.
德克萨斯石油公司的总部设在纽约的怀特普莱恩斯,公司的名字却来自德克萨斯这个州名。 |