Its esthetic sense function can make one have the joyful emotion, its information function can let the reader feel to its transmission multiple significance.
其美感功能能使人产生愉悦的情感,其信息功能能让读者感受到其传递的多重意义。 |
Its estimate is based on analysis of geological surveys.
其估计值基于地质调查分析。 |
Its eternal existenceand far-reaching influence are incomparable with any other cultural heritage in the world.
古希腊人每每提到尼罗河,总是满怀崇敬,把埃及成为“尼罗河的恩赐”。 |
Its ex-felons have not had every right restored by Mr Crist and the clemency board.
然而,佛罗里达已获释的重罪犯尚未完全享有克莱斯和行政赦免委员会已恢复的所有权利。 |
Its exact role in the carcinogenic process, however, is still unclear.
但它在致癌过程的确切作用还不十分清楚。 |
Its excellent communications network services link up[ people and organizations, enabling faster and more efficient communicqtion.
爱达利所建造的完善通信网络;为个人及机构带来更快捷、更有效、及更可靠的通信设备,令彼此联系无间。 |
Its exhibits are boldly revisionist, highlighting the contributions made by the Kuomintang, the party's enemy, in the anti-Japanese war of the 1930s and 40s.
其陈列品属于大胆的修正主义,突出了***的劲敌——国民党在20世纪三四十年代抗日战争时期的贡献。 |
Its existence is attributable to the following: total factor productivity and economic policy, which influence international capital gains, asymmetric information on the international capital market, capital market risk, political risk and the spillover e
卢卡斯之谜存在的原因主要可以归结为影响国际资本收益的全要素生产率和经济政策因素、影响国际资本投资风险的国际资本市场信息不对称、信贷市场风险、政治风险和新兴市场危机溢出效应,以及影响国际资本投资环境的资本管制、制度和金融创新能力等。 |
Its existing shows that neighborhood of Shidongkou fault zone once arises acid volcanic eruption in neoid period and provides new important information with basic geological study of Guizhou.
它的存在,显示了施洞口断裂带附近,挽近地质时期曾有酸性火山喷发活动,为贵州基础地质研究提供了新的重要信息。 |
Its exterior lines echo the timeless styling of the great Rolls-Royce cars: a long bonnet, large-diameter wheels, short front and long rear overhangs and the quintessential dynamic line descending along its flanks.
该车的外形线条显示了久负盛名的劳斯莱斯汽车的一贯风格:长引擎盖、大尺寸车轮、前悬短而后悬长,经典的动感线条沿侧翼向下延伸。 |
Its fabulously rich princes built Dravidian temples and palaces which won the admiration of travellers between the 14th and 16th centuries.
14至16世纪期间,富可敌国的王子们建造许多德拉威庙宇和富丽堂皇的宫殿,它们至今仍吸引世界各地的旅行者。 |