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The new residence area borders on the motorway.

The new report provides a molecular blueprint for the genetic changes required to transform a virus that only infects birds to a virus capable of easily recognising human receptors. 新报告描绘了把仅能感染禽类病毒转为易识别人类受体病毒所进行的基因改变分子蓝图。
The new requirements also recognise the changes in the migration programme over the years which have resulted in an increasing number of people spending significant periods of time in Australia as temporary residents prior to becoming permanent residents. 此新法也承认这几年来,移民方案的变迁,以至于有越来越多的人在成为永久居民前,花了许多时间以暂时居民的身分停留在澳洲。
The new research highlighted significant differences in China between regions and the sexes. 这项新的研究还特别重视了肥胖在中国地域和性别之间的巨大差异。
The new research into children's behaviour and intelligence suggests that women who follow the US advisoryissued in 2004 to limit consumption, or cut fish out of their diet altogether - for fear of mercury poisoning - may miss nutrients that the developin 最新儿童行为和智力研究表明在2004年接受美国《顾问》建议,为了防止汞中毒而限制饮食,或者怀孕期间不吃鱼的妈妈们缺乏了孩子大脑发育所需要的营养,因此她们害了自己的孩子。
The new research was conducted by physicists at CERN, the particle physics laboratory outside Geneva. 欧洲粒子物理研究所物理学家指导新的研究,它是在日内瓦城外面的粒子物理学实验室。
The new residence area borders on the motorway. 新住宅区紧挨高速公路.
The new residential block is close to highway. 新住宅区紧挨高速公路.
The new restaurant fold up in less than a year. 这家餐厅不到一年就歇业了。
The new rice also remedies one of the problematic legacies of the original green revolution: over-use of fertilizer. 新的稻子也弥补了“绿色革命”起初其中一个的遗留问题:滥用肥料。
The new road is aimed at easing jams at the tu el entrance. 新路用来改善海队入口一带道路的挤塞情况。
The new road is aimed at easing jams at the tunnel entrance. 新路用来改善海队入口一带道路的挤塞情况。

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