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Methods Retrospective study of the clinical treatment data of 42 patients with diffuse axonal injury was performed.

Methods Put the Blattela germanica's imagoes arid larvae which attach to the zigzag slips into one side of the vat of separate apparatus, together with the slips, and in another side the vat, put food and water to make a temptation. 方法将附着于锯齿形纸片上的德国小蠊成、幼虫连同纸片一起放入分离器一侧的缸中,另一侧缸中放入食物和水进行引诱。
Methods Radix Aucklandiae and Cortex Cinnamomi were identified by TLC. 方法采用薄层色谙法对处方中木香和肉桂进行鉴别。
Methods Repetitive measure analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used in analyzing QOL at different time points. 方法用重复测量方差分析法研究抑郁症患者在不同时点的生命质量变化。
Methods Researches on the microscopical identification, microscopical identification and ultraviolet spectroscopy identification of Carapax Trionycis from different regions were carried out. 方法依据形态学特征对不同产地鳖甲药材进行性状鉴别、显微鉴别,运用紫外光谱法对不同产地鳌甲药材进行光谱鉴别。
Methods Retrospective analysis was done on 11 cases of severe heatstroke patients. 方法对11例重度中暑病人的治疗进行回顾分析。
Methods Retrospective study of the clinical treatment data of 42 patients with diffuse axonal injury was performed. 方法取42例脑弥漫性轴索损伤患者的临床资料。
Methods Retrospective study was undertaken in one hundred patients undergoing primary total hip arthroplasty (THA) (fifty, anterior approach; fifty, transtrochanteric approach) with one year follow-up. 方法100例首次全髋置换患者,手术人路为经大粗隆和前切口的各50例,术后随访一年进行回顾性研究。
Methods Review and analyse 22 cases by breast-duct endoscope. 方法用乳腺导管内窥镜对22例乳头溢液病人进行检查。
Methods Routine methods were used to isolate and identify fastidous bacteria and Streptococcus from samples of children's throat swabs. 方法采用苛养菌及链球菌鉴定的常规方法对呼吸道感染患儿的咽拭子标本进行分离、培养与鉴定。
Methods Select 69 cases senile incomplete intestinal obstruction who suit non-operative therapy, review the treatment, and particularly describe the measures of unobstruction and antibiotics used in bowels. 方法选取69例适合非手术治疗的不完全肠梗阻患者,回顾治疗过程,并着重表述促进消化道梗阻解除,减轻腹胀和肠内应用抗菌药物的措施。
Methods Selective arteriography was performed in 32 patients with trauma and suspected to be vascular injury. 方法对32例怀疑有血管损伤的患者进行选择性动脉造影。

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