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The Ten Need are: keeping the buttocks down, wrapping the crotch, shrinking the abdomen, dropping hips, extending the chest, making the back round, emptying armpits, and straightening the neck.

The Tempest was William Shakespeare's swan song in 1612. 《暴风雨》是威廉·莎士比亚于1612年的绝笔之作。
The Templar Knights, recognisable by their white mantle with distinct red cross, are for David the symbols of him and the England team. 这些骑士身披带有明显红十字的白斗篷,对小贝来说代表他自己和他的英格兰团队。
The Temple also includes prophecies and predictions for our time leading to the year 2012. 该庙宇还包含着我们这个时代走向2012年的预言和预示。
The Temple of Kandariya is decorated with a profusion of sculptures that are among the greatest masterpieces of Indian art. 著名的坎达里亚寺庙饰有大量内容丰富、绚丽多姿的雕塑,是印度艺术中的经典之作。
The Ten Commandments don't say anything against Fishing. 十戒里没有一条是反对钓鱼的。
The Ten Need are: keeping the buttocks down, wrapping the crotch, shrinking the abdomen, dropping hips, extending the chest, making the back round, emptying armpits, and straightening the neck. 太极拳的基本功十分重要,手脚结合上下相随,基本功为:从下往上,脚(脚趾)踝、膝、胯、肘、腰、肩、腕、手和手指完全放松,且节节贯串,这是九松。
The Ten Projects each has clear goal: Hand-in-hand Helping Villages of Slow Development targets at the balancing development of collective economy in countryside, Conduct Experiments Project aims at facilitating the construction of NSC, Constructing Civil “十项工程”每项都提出明确的目标:“牵手帮扶发展缓慢村工程”以促进农村集体经济均衡发展为目标、“社会主义新农村建设试点工程”以加快新农村建设步伐为目标、“双百共建文明村工程”以改善农村人居环境为目标、“农民综合素质教育工程”以培育社会主义新型农民为目标、“农民职业技能培训和促进就业工程”以解决失地农民和富余劳动力出路为目标、“农村社会保障体系建设工程”以保障农民基本生活为目标、“都市型农业开发工程”以农业可持续发展为目标,“中心镇村规划建设工程”以建设“明日卫星城”为目标、“城乡水利防灾减灾及水环境整治工
The Ten plagues from God on the King of Egypt were the plagues of: blood, frogs, gnats, flies, livestock, boils, hail, Locusts, darkness, Death of first born. 神降于埃及王法老的十灾包括:血灾,蛙灾,虱灾,蝇灾,畜疫之灾,疮灾,雹灾,蝗灾,黑暗之灾,杀头生之灾.
The Tender shall be governed by the Instruction to tender and The Terms and Conditions as set out in the Contract Form. 标书应该符合《投标说明》和合同表中的“条款和条件”的要求。
The Tennessee woman who killed her preacher husband has been sentenced to three years in prison. Mary Winkler must serve 210 days before she can be released on probation. 来自田那西的妇女玛丽.温克拉因杀害自己作为牧师的丈夫而被判入狱3年,其必须在狱中服刑满210天方能获得假释。
The Tenth Five-Year Plan points out the development goal of TEDA in the next five years. “十五”计划提出了天津开发区今后五年的发展目标。

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