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Christianity, for example, distinguishes the Mosaic Law which educates but confines from the liberating grace available through faith in Christ.

Christianity and slavery. Irreconcilable conflicts. 基督教与奴隶制。无法妥协的冲突。
Christianity and slavery. The docile slave as good Christian. 基督教与奴隶制。身为好基督徒的温顺奴隶。
Christianity can be a guide and inspiration to the simple and a subject of endless reflection to the enquiring mind. 我们从痛苦的经验中学习到,积聚知识和权力的本身倒可能会增加专制统治的资源,并扩大压迫、恐怖和忧虑的范围。
Christianity depends upon learning and knowing what the Lord of Heaven has taught us in His book (which is called the Bible) and personally accepting, receiving and believing the teachings of God. 基督教依赖于知识和知道天堂的勋爵在他的书中教我们了的(那叫做“圣经”)和个人接受,获得和相信上帝的教义。
Christianity had set out to conquer the world. 基督教开始征服世界了。
Christianity, for example, distinguishes the Mosaic Law which educates but confines from the liberating grace available through faith in Christ. 例如基督教中,摩西律法的作用就是教育约束,而只有通过信仰基督才能获得解脱。
Christians adopted the Ouroboros as a symbol of the limited confines of this world (that there is an outsidebeing implied by the demarcation of an inside), and the self-consuming transitory nature of a mere this-worldly existence following in the footstep 基督教采用大毒蛇作为这个世界有限界标记(那就是有限的划分之外还有无限),自我强烈只是一个这个世界瞬间存在的本性.
Christians and camels receive their burden kneeling. 基督徒和骆驼一样都有下跪的负担.
Christians believe Jesus was the Son of God sent to earth to save the world. 基督徒相信,耶稣是上帝的儿子,他被派到地球上来拯救人类。
Christians believe that God is omniscient. 基督教徒相信上帝是无所不知的.
Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday. 基督徒相信耶稣在那个星期日(后定为复活节)里复活了。

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