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[NIV] He who tends a fig tree will eat its fruit, and he who looks after his master will be honored.

[NIV] He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth. 7[和合]他被欺压,在受苦的时候却12不开口(或作“他受欺压,却自卑不开口”);他象羊羔被13牵到宰杀之地,又象羊在剪毛的人手下无声,他也是这样不开口。
[NIV] He who digs a hole and scoops it out falls into the pit he has made. 15[和合]他掘了23坑,又挖深了,竟掉在自己所挖的阱里。
[NIV] He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him. 6[和合]那带种流泪出去的,必要欢欢乐乐地带禾捆回来。
[NIV] He who is full loathes honey, but to the hungry even what is bitter tastes sweet. 7[和合]人吃饱了,厌恶蜂房的6蜜;人饥饿了,一切苦物都觉甘甜。
[NIV] He who is pregnant with evil and conceives trouble gives birth to disillusionment. 14[和合]试看恶人因奸恶而劬劳,所怀的是21毒害,所22生的是虚假。
[NIV] He who tends a fig tree will eat its fruit, and he who looks after his master will be honored. 看守无花果树的,必13吃树上的果子;敬奉主人的,必得尊荣。
[NIV] He who vindicates me is near. Who then will bring charges against me? Let us face each other! Who is my accuser? Let him confront me! 称我为19义的与我相近;谁与我争论,可以与我一同站立;谁与我作对,可以就近我来。
[NIV] He will be like rain falling on a mown field, like showers watering the earth. 6[和合]他必降临,象雨降在已割的草地上,如甘7霖滋8润田地。
[NIV] He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. 他必用自己的翎毛遮蔽你;你要投靠在他的7翅膀底下。他的诚实,是大小的8盾牌。
[NIV] He will defend the afflicted among the people and save the children of the needy; he will crush the oppressor. 4[和合]他必为民中的困苦人伸冤,拯救穷乏之辈,压碎那欺压人的。
[NIV] He will direct the blows of his battering rams against your walls and demolish your towers with his weapons. 9[和合]他必安设撞城锤攻破你的墙垣,用铁器拆毁你的城楼。

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