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People are longing for peace.

People are inventing new sports or games all the time. 人们一直在发明新的运动项目或比赛。
People are like stained glass windows;they sparkle and shine when the sun is out , but when the darkness sets in ,their true beauty is revealed only if there is light within. 人们就像彩色玻璃窗;因为当阳光出现时,它闪烁着耀眼光芒,绽放出绚丽色彩.但是,当黑暗降临时,只有内在的光浑,才能展现出属于它的真实美丽.
People are like tea bags. You have to put them into hot water before you can know how strong they are. 正如有人说,品格如同茶袋,你必须把他们放在热水里,才能知道他们有多强。
People are lining up at the bus stop. 人们在公共汽车站排队。
People are lining up to buy commemoration stamps. 人们正在排队购买纪念邮票。
People are longing for peace. 人们渴望和平。
People are looking at more interesting effects and the combination of different products including bronze, aluminium, pearlescent, VMP, OVP, holographic pigments will be very interesting to different applications. 人们在寻找更加有趣的效果和不同産品的组合应用包括铜金粉,铝粉,珠光顔料,VMP,OVP,全息顔料等将在不同方面的应用非常有趣。
People are making a lot of money coming out with titles. 人们正在赚许多钱就要来的在外用名称。
People are making fewer contributions. 这人说:“人们捐献的数量不如以前了。
People are more and more concerned about the constitution of the policies on reasonable redistribution and taxation. 怎样合理调整分配、税收等一系列政策已越来越成为人们关心的话题。
People are more and more healthier which can be an aid to prevent some diseases such as cardiopathy. 人们变得更健康也有助于预防一些会使身体状况日益衰弱的疾病,例如心脏病。

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