Gas and coal are fuels.
煤气和煤都是燃料。 |
Gas can be produced from coal.
煤气可用煤来制造。 |
Gas chimney is one of seismic anomalies resulted from vertical fluid migration, which is the interactional outcome due to overpressure, low stress and shale harrier.
摘要气烟囱是由于天然气(流体)垂向运移在地震剖面上形成的含气异常现象,是气藏超压、构造低应力部位和泥页岩封隔层3种因素综合作用的结果。 |
Gas chromatograph is the important apparatus to analyze microconstituents in liquor and it is classified into packed column gas chromatograph and capillary column gas chromatograph.
摘要气相色谱仪器是分析白酒中微量成分的重要设备,分为填充柱气相色谱仪和毛细柱气相色谱仪。 |
Gas chromatography analysis, one-step synthesis process of β-Mfrom ethylene epoxide and hydrogen sulfide was studied. The products were well isolated through GC, and this method was repeatable.
摘要探讨了以硫化氢、环氧乙烷为原料,一步法合成β-M的方法,并主要对其气相色谱分析进行了研究,通过气相色谱技术得到了良好的分离效果,并且该法有较好的重复性。 |
Gas cylinders should be protected from adverse weather conditions during transportation. Specific conditions for storage and transportation should be employed for gas mixtures for which phase separation occurs on freezing.
气瓶在运输过程中,应防止不利的气候影响。在霜冻时会出现分离相的混合气体应使用特殊的储存和运输条件。 |
Gas cylinders should be stored under cover and not be subjected to extremes of temperature.
应把气瓶储存在阴凉处,并远离高温。 |
Gas even store in coal seam, and outstanding on rock wall piece which is destroyed by mining, somining, so it is a typical geological science question to prevent the gas accident of the colliery from occurring.
瓦斯不均匀地的贮存在煤层中,突出于采动破坏的岩壁段,防止煤矿瓦斯事故是一个典型的地学问题。 |
Gas exchange takes place through the body wall.
气体交换是在体表进行的。 |
Gas flares add a touch of drama to the excitement of Melbourne's Crown Casino on the banks of the Yarra River, across from the city. Inset: Rowers on the Yarra.
从对面望去,燃烧的火炬为耶那河畔令人激动的皇冠赌场增添了几分艺术效果。插图:耶那河上的划手。 |
Gas flow in a magnesium reduction furnace was numerically simulated with the comprehensive CFX software, and the effect of the gas flow on heat transfer process in the magnesium reduction furnace was studied.
摘要采用CFX软件对皮江法镁还原炉内的烟气流动进行数学建模和仿真计算,研究镁还原炉内的烟气流动对炉子传热过程的影响情况。 |