If you are looking for an opportunity to use your skills in new ways with extreme challenges, and makes excellent career path – China Customer Support is the place for you!
如果你正在寻求一个能发挥自己技能的、富有挑战的机会,并能得到极佳的职业发展,亿贝中国客户支持中心将是一个合适你的地方! |
If you are looking for quality merchants you can take a look at our top 10 where we have selected the merchants that are reliable and are good to make you money.
如果你想寻找高质量的批发商网站,你可以查看我们的“前10名网站”,在这个排名里面,我们选出了最可信赖的批发商网站,它可以使你安心的赚钱。 |
If you are looking for solutions or would like to know whether an application exists for a certain purpose, the Free Software Directory offers a good reference point.
如果你在寻找解决方案,或是想要知道针对某个特定目的的应用程式是否存在,自由软体目录提供了一个好的参考点。 |
If you are lucky and get an elite early on, use it for an army, which immediately attacks again.
如果你足够运气,在早期就获得了一个领袖,用他们建立一支军团,他能够立刻开始再次攻击。 |
If you are lucky enough to have your own land, you have a head start over those of us who have to rent facilities.
如果你有幸拥有自己的土地,比我们中那些不得不租用设施的人一开始就有利了。 |
If you are lucky enough, you may be able to see a mirage from Penglai Pavilion.
如果你运气好的话,能从蓬莱阁上看到海市蜃楼。 |
If you are lucky to take a pill, it will help you clear out all your pimples miraculously on your face!
如果你幸运得到一粒药丸是,它将会帮助你在你的脸上奇迹地清除你所有的丘疹! |
If you are making a war zone, you can add realism by blowing things up.
如果你正在制作一个战争地带,你可以通过制造爆炸来增加真实性。 |
If you are making the long trek across the land with a huge ground force, you'll need to protect it.
如果你让大量的地面部队艰苦的越过地面,你需要保护他们。 |
If you are male, you clap at something funny and if you are female, you giggle whilst placing a hand over your mouth.
如果你是位男性,你会对好笑的东西鼓掌,如果你是位女性,你会捂着嘴咯咯的笑。 |
If you are male,you clap at something funny and if you are female,you giggle whilst placing a hand over your mouth.
如果你是男性,你会在好笑时鼓掌;如果你是女性,你会在哈哈大笑时遮住嘴巴. |