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We experimented until we succeeded in mixing the right colour.

We expected the path to end abruptly, but we found that it traced its way through the trees. 我们原以为小路会到此突然终止。没想到它到树林中继续向前延伸。
We expected to open a win-win window for both of young talents and us and build up a pipeline for them to join Saint Gobain. 我们希望借此计划为年轻优秀人才和圣戈班打开一个双赢的窗口,同时为他们未来加入圣戈班集团建立一个渠道。
We experienced a 44-year old male patient with the chief complaint of lump sensation in the throat for one year, as well as hoarseness, haryngeal pain and progressive difficulty in breathing for 3 days. 台北长庚医院耳鼻喉科经历一男性患者,主诉过去1年来一直有喉异物感,最近3天因为喉咙刺痛,渐渐感到声音沙哑,呼吸困难,被家人送至急诊。
We experienced some slight turbulence flying over the Atlantic. 我们飞越大西洋时,遇到一点不稳定的气流.
We experimented until we succeeded in mixing the right colour. 我们不断进行实验, 直至将所需颜色调配成功.
We experimented until we succeeded in mixing the right colour. 我们不断实验直至将所需要颜色调配成功。
We explained our plans, and he was very enthusiastic about them. 我们解释了我们的计画,他对它们是很热心的。
We explore and learn the basic knots and ropework that are in common theater usage. 我们将探讨并学习剧院一般使用的结和结绳术。
We explore the history of nationalism, including the emergence of the idea of the nation-state, and discuss the effects of globalization, migration, and transnational institutions. 我们探索国族主义的历史,包含了国族国家此一概念的出现,并讨论全球化、移民、与跨国组织的影响。
We explore the welfare implications of export quality policy in which trading countries decide sequentially or negotiate over their policy on standards. 摘要本文探讨各国贸易财品质政策的制定顺序与协商模式对其福利之意涵。
We explored the changing trends in agricultural water demands, the changing trends and variability in soil moisture associated with both drought and increased surface runoff in Chinese croplands during the last half-century (1946-95) as well as the projec 摘要作者进行一项农业用水需求变化趋势之研究,收集包括中国大陆农耕地在乾旱及高地表迳流量之土壤水分变化趋势与变异幅度和对农业生产冲击,涵盖过去1946-1995年之五十年资料及未来2031-2065年之预测值。

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