Jiao Zan, a senior officer of the song dynasty,is sent underescort toSha Men island because of his killing a treacherous court official named XieTingfang.The commander in chief Yang orders Ren Tanghui to protect Jiao Zansecretly.When the night comes,they |
中文意思: 宋朝大将焦赞,因杀死奸臣谢廷芳,发配到沙门岛,元帅杨延昭遣三军上将任堂惠暗中保护,与焦赞同宿于三岔口店中,店主刘利华误认为任堂惠欲谋杀焦赞,夜入任室,与任在暗中搏斗。 |
Jiangyin Xinqiao Construction Engineering Co.. Ltd.is grade 2 construction enterprise combining building construction. equipment installation,decoration and real estate development as a whole.
江阴新桥建筑工程有限公司是集建筑施工、设备安装、装饰装潢、房地产开发为一体的建筑二级企业。 |
Jianmenguan Scenic Area, as a National Key Scenic Area and National Forest Park, has been sparing no efforts to establish a national geo-park since the discovery of its unique geological tourism resources.
摘要作为国家级风景名胜区和国家级森林公园的剑门关旅游区,在发现了其独特的砾岩丹霞地貌景观等地质旅游资源所体现的旅游价值后,现着力打造国家级地质公园。 |
Jianpai which the company produces and Chibang series leather shoes sell well in all large and medium cities of the whole country, Still find a good sale The countries, such as America and Europe, Middle East, Japan and Africa,etc. and area, short five ye
公司生产的剑派和弛邦系列皮鞋畅销于全国各大中城市,还远销欧美、日本中东及非洲等国家及地区,短短的五年时间,剑派人以诚信敬业、团结拼搏、务实高效的精神和作风取得辉煌的业绩,先后获得《中国真皮标志产品》,《ISO9001国际质量体系认证》,《国家质检优等品》等荣誉称号。 |
Jianxia Yang, Liuzhou, Guangxi Province, doctoral student of Aetna School of Management of Shanghai jiaotong University in grade 2004 Fall, who majors in Management Science and Engineering.
杨剑侠,男,广西柳州人,上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院2004级秋博士生,专业为管理科学与工程。 |
Jiao Bay Vegetable Seed Breeding Center is a sole Proprietorship funded by Mr.
中国山东省胶州市胶白蔬菜育种中心(以下简称中心)。 |
Jiao Zan, a senior officer of the song dynasty,is sent underescort toSha Men island because of his killing a treacherous court official named XieTingfang.The commander in chief Yang orders Ren Tanghui to protect Jiao Zansecretly.When the night comes,they
宋朝大将焦赞,因杀死奸臣谢廷芳,发配到沙门岛,元帅杨延昭遣三军上将任堂惠暗中保护,与焦赞同宿于三岔口店中,店主刘利华误认为任堂惠欲谋杀焦赞,夜入任室,与任在暗中搏斗。 |
Jiao zi, dumpling, bun and sandwich, salted eggs, sausages, soup and mineral water.
饺子,包子,馒头和三明治,咸鸡蛋,香肠,汤和矿泉水。 |
JiaoZuo city Xinhi Mine Machinery Equipment Plant is a Professional Manufacturing Plant of the mine machinery equipments, was established in 1992, is located in the north of henna plain-the national famous tourism city Jiaozuo.
焦作市鑫海矿山机器设备厂是矿山机器设备的专业制造厂家.始创于一九九二年,座落在豫北平原上的明珠,全国著名旅游城市焦作市. |
Jiaogong brother,you spare no effort to promote bow and arrow,I admire you very much!
角弓兄对弓箭的推广真是不遗余力啊,小弟真的很敬佩! |
Jiaojiang's practice of permanent system of the Party congress is such an experiment of inner-Party deliberative democracy.
椒江党代会常任制的实践,就是基于三种民主相结合推动党内协商的一种尝试。 |
Jiaonianji, imitation board, wood floors, wooden doors and windows, furniture and furniture accessories production, marketing; chemical raw materials and products (including dangerous goods) marketing (the scope of the special provisions relating to natio
胶粘剂、人造板、木地板、木制门窗、家具及家具配件的生产、销售;化工原料及产品(不含危险品)的销售(上述范围涉及国家专项规定的,经批准后方可经营)。 |