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It is the density data of the shale.

It is the day of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem as the Messiah, with 5 days to go until His death. 这是耶稣以弥赛亚身份凯旋进入耶路撒冷的日子,5天之后就是耶稣之死。
It is the day when everyone goes back home to spend the day with his family, to have the traditional Thanksgiving dinner of roast turkey, to talk about old times. 这一天,每个人都回到家里与家人共度节日,吃传统的感恩节饭———烤火鸡,畅谈过去的时光。
It is the dead end in the front,but the hope is on the corner. 作为一个刚刚踏进社会的大学生来说,前面的路很长,希望会很精彩!无论阳光还是下雨天,乐观去面对每一天!
It is the delay in effect that has you think you are a victim. 延迟的结果是让你认为你是一个牺牲品。
It is the demand, for nationwide higher colleges, presented by President HU Jing-tao at the national meeting on enhancing and improving education on thoughts and politics of college students, to guide college students in studying actively and absorbing co 摘要如何引导大学生既积极学习和正确吸收人类优秀文明成果,又自觉鉴别和抵御各种腐朽落后的思想文化,是胡锦涛同志在全国加强和改进大学生思想政治教育工作会议上面向全国高校提出的要求。
It is the density data of the shale. 这是泥页岩密度数据。
It is the dependence that changes the nature of food. 这样的依赖关系改变食物本来的含义。
It is the desire of long-standing people that god swims under the sea, early when having former 2800 years, metre rope does not reach cultural flourshing period, the armed forces of A-Zi-Li-Ya empire rush with sheepskin bag air, attack enemy troops from w 神游海底是人们由来已久的愿望,早在2800年前,米索不达文化全盛时期,阿兹里亚帝国的军队用羊皮袋冲气,由水中攻击敌军,这也许就是潜水的老祖宗了。
It is the determined choice of trust over cynicism, of community over chaos. 这是我们最坚定的选择--在批评声中赢得信任;在混乱中寻求统一。
It is the developing direction of the electric apparatus in the 21st century for intelligent contactor. 交流接触器智能化是21世纪电器的发展方向。
It is the device by which he experiences earth: the physical body, the five senses, the glandular and nervous systems. 这是他经验地球的装置:肉身、五官、腺体和神经系统。

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