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When used with a non-invasive imaging method that relies on harmless light instead of X-rays, the contrast agent could help doctors diagnose disease within minutes and determine where biopsies are needed.

When used formally, the initial letter is capitalized. 通常第一个字母要大写。
When used in melee throwing weapon durability decreases at one third the thrown rate. 投掷物品在用物理攻击时耐久度减为投掷率的1/3。
When used in reference to a person this word means the ability to readily recover from shock, depression or any other situation that stretches the limits of a person's emotions. 若用在人身上,这个词意味着从冲击、沮丧或其它使人情绪低落的状态中平稳恢复的能力。
When used to surface geochemical exploration, it can predict and judge the position and properties of the transverse profile of the oil-gas horizon; when employed to borehole geochemical exploration, it can accurately predict and judge the position and pr 运用于地表化探,预测与判断油气层的横向剖面位置与性质;运用于井中化探,利用轻烃的组成和含量上的特徵可准确预测与判断油气层的纵向剖面位置与性质。
When used to sweeten food, blends greatly decrease the likelihood that consumers will exceed acceptable daily intakes for individual sweeteners. 当食用含糖甜食时,混合代糖减低了用户日取糖分过量的可能性。
When used with a non-invasive imaging method that relies on harmless light instead of X-rays, the contrast agent could help doctors diagnose disease within minutes and determine where biopsies are needed. 当和非入侵成像法联合使用时使用了无害光线代替X射线,造影剂能帮助医生诊断疾病在要求活组织切片检查中起到记录和测定功能。
When used with a “raised face” flange, there will be a gap between the faces on the outer flange diameters. 如果使用“凸面”法兰,则在外法兰直径表面之间将会有间隙。
When used with complemental ANTIXYGEN JX-DLTP, it has cooperative effect and has extensive uses. 本品与辅助抗氧剂JX-DLTP并用时,具有协同效应,用途极为广泛。
When using EZ-TC test cocks to perform this test, close No. 1 and 2 shutoffs, install adaptor fitting in test cock 3 and install sight tube in adaptor. 当采用EZ-TC测试旋塞进行检测时,关闭1号和2号关闭阀,在测试旋塞3号上安装适配器连接件,在适配器内安装观察管。
When using EZ-TC, close No. 1 and 2 shutoffs and install sight tube using adaptor fitting. 在采用EZ-TC时,关闭1号和2号关闭阀,采用适配器连接件安装观察管。
When using a commercially available switching regulator, ground its chassis grounding and earth grounding terminals. 当使用市场上可买到的开关调节器时,将其机壳接地端子与地面接地端子接地。

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