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The following ration will contain approximately 18%crude protein and 80% TDN on a DM basis.

The following program is co-sponsored by Rejoice,Motorola, WaHaHa,and Kongka. 以下节目由“飘柔”, “摩托罗拉”, “娃哈哈”和“康佳” 联合赞助播出.
The following properties are exposed by the ASP.NET server control. [以下是可由ASP.NET服务器控制的属性。
The following provides an indicator of how I set up Forward Runs, Through Balls, Crossing &Passing Focus. 下面是我如何去设置向前跑、传身后球、传中以及传球的对象。
The following question can be used to distinguish real-time systems from the rest: Is a late answer as bad, or even worse, than a wrong answer? 以下的问题可经被用来区分实时系统与其他的系统:“是迟到的回答坏,还是一个错误的回答坏?”
The following questions are based on the occupancy rate for July. 下列的的问题是以七月份的占用率为根据来回答的。
The following ration will contain approximately 18%crude protein and 80% TDN on a DM basis. 下面的日粮大约含有18%的粗蛋白和80%的可消化总养分(干物质基础)。
The following readings are required for this course. See the calendar section for corresponding topics. 本课程所需阅读的资料如下。并请参照教学时程进行阅读。
The following registers are supported. Register names are always in upper case. 支持下面的寄存器。寄存器名都是大写的。
The following relevant the material object photoses of products, our company have materials prove mail-order detailed products price welcome to write to us to be required. 以下是相关产品的部分实物照片,本公司备有详细的产品资料说明和产品邮购价格欢迎来函来电索取。
The following research areas will be involved in the project: (1) mechanism of hereditic factors and its function in Chinese type 2 diabetes ; (2) metabolomics on the cell stress and its nutrition intervention in the type 2 diabetes; (3) mechanisms of met 本项目拟开展以下研究工作:(1)中国人2型糖尿病发生过程中遗传因素的发现及其作用机制;(2)细胞应激在中国人2型糖尿病发生过程中的作用机制及其营养干预的代谢组学;(3)代谢性核受体在胰岛素抵抗和2型糖尿病发病中的作用机制;(4)细胞信号转导分子、脂代谢紊乱与胰岛素抵抗的关系;(5)2型糖尿病发展过程与血管病变;(6)胰岛素分泌异常、细胞凋亡与2型糖尿病;(7)2型糖尿病发生过程中的分子网络与作用机制。
The following results of recent researches were presented on measuring stiffness of a wide range of soils such as clay, sand and gravel, characterizing anisotropic properties of soil induced by external loading, measuring stiffness of base and subgrade ma 木文报道了压电陶瓷传感器应用于粘土、砂和砾石等不同种类土的研究成果,对应力导致土体各向异性的研究,对路基和地基土的力学特性检测,在离心模型试验中的应用,以及在微重力环境下的粒状材料中波的传播特性的研究等。

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