In vapid Listlessness I leant my head against the window, and continued spelling over Catherine Earnshaw ?
我无精打采地把头靠在窗子上,接连地拼写着凯瑟琳? |
In various cuts like coarse second and smooth are used by machinists, millwrights, ironmongers, and craftsmen as general purpose file.
通用锉刀。一般使用者为机械师、水车间工作、铁器技工等。 |
In various phases of the product development, to ensure the suppliers offer OTS and PPAP paper data and samples as request.
新产品开发过程各阶段中,保证所负责的供应商按要求提交(OTS、PPAP)文件资料和样件。 |
In various places, there has appeared brutal and illegal deprivation of citizens' personal property in terms of land requisition as well as building demolition and removal, which is the most brutal means of power capitalization and power contract.
在很多地方,出现了野蛮非法的征用土地和推倒建筑物和强行搬迁,侵犯了公民的私有财产,这些都是最野蛮的以权谋私。 |
In vascular plants the diploid sporophyte is the dominant phase and in the ferns, for example, the gametophyte is a small prothallus.
在维管植物(蕨类)中二倍体的孢子体占生活史的主要部分,配子体仅为原叶体。 |
In vast dreamland under ethereal moonlight, is my beautiful grief. A product of one month's intense labour, my portraiture continues.----A charming girl too!
遥望无尽的梦里,在那旖旎的月光下,有我美丽的忧伤……——2002年,在经过一个多月的苦学之后,续写我绘画人物的传奇!——又是个娓美的可人! |
In verse 10 we find that he did three things.
第10节说他做了三件事。 |
In verse 13 the Apostle teaches that for the time being faith, hope and love must continue. But understanding that eventually faith and hope will be realized, he concluded that agape love is the greatest. As a summation of the character of our God it will
在第13节里,使徒教导那时,信,望,爱将永远长存。但是人们要明白信和望,他又总结说神的爱是最大的。爱作为对我们的神的品性的总结将因为我们信和望的实现,在神国里继续。 |
In verse 21 Job says “naked came I out of my mothers' womb, and naked shall I return thither.
在21节约伯回答说:“我赤身出于母胎,也必赤身归回;赏赐的是耶和华,收取的也是耶和华”。 |
In verse 24 Jesus follows up his correction for Peter by spelling out the real implications of true discipleship.
在第24节里,耶稣通过解释清楚作真正的门徒的含义来继续纠正彼得。 |
In verse 7 Andrew and Simon Peter beckonto James and John in the other boat.
第7节安德烈和西门“招呼”在另一只船上的雅各和约翰。 |