I am good-hearted, have Chinese nation's traditional moral excellence, the pursue perfect woman, the hobby am widespread, now is a music teacher. |
中文意思: 我不完美、但我是个追求完美的女人。爱好广泛,音乐是我的专业(声乐、钢琴),绘画、书法、戏曲。现在是一名音乐教师。 |
I am good at designing my career goal. As a professional manager I know exactly what I am pursing and where my destination is. That is important to me.
我很善于设计自己的职业目标,作为一个职业经理人我很清楚自己追求什么以及我的目的地在什么地方,这对我来说很重要。 |
I am good at maths.
我擅长数学。 |
I am good at music, dance, playing the piano,travelling on holiday, cook.
身体健康,有教养,气质好,心态平和显年轻。 |
I am good at self-study, and work meticulously. I have great team spirit, and unisonous ability.
本人有较强的自学能力和协调能力,工作认真负责,并具有很强的团队合作精神。 |
I am good enough, aren't I?
我够好了,不是吗? |
I am good-hearted, have Chinese nation's traditional moral excellence, the pursue perfect woman, the hobby am widespread, now is a music teacher.
我不完美、但我是个追求完美的女人。爱好广泛,音乐是我的专业(声乐、钢琴),绘画、书法、戏曲。现在是一名音乐教师。 |
I am graduate student in BUPT(beijing university of posts and telecommunications).
我是北邮在读研究生,想提高口语. |
I am grateful for all your past kindness.
多蒙关照,万分感激。 |
I am grateful for friends like you who tell me when I make a mistake.
我非常感激像你这样的朋友,在我犯错误时,能够告诉我。 |
I am grateful for the support I have from my colleagues, and have the majority of the caucus supporting me.
我希望我做为主要领导人之后能与派乐希成为工作伙伴。 |
I am greatly convinced that prevention is better than cure.
例︰我深信预防是重于治疗。 |