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More than 20 percent of Chinese toys and baby clothes are substandard , according to the country's consumer safety watchdog, according to a report on Monday.

More than 2 yrs managerment experience in assembly line. 2年以上装配线生产的管理经验。
More than 2% of the population aged over 55 suffers extreme pain as a result of osteoarthritis of the knee. 55岁以上的人群中有超过2%的人忍受着膝盖关节炎带来的极度痛苦。
More than 2, 000 years ago in the West Han Dynasty, there was a waterway called Zangke Jiang from Yelang directly to Panyu through Guangxi. 摘要早在二千多年前的西汉时代,就有一条从夜郎国流经广西直达番禺的水上通道曰“牂牁江”。
More than 20 million years ago, the ancient lakes petered out and the area of stone forest evolved into the present shape of plateau basin gradually, and developed the newest stone forest ground form at the same time. 2000多万年前,古湖逐渐消失,石林地区逐渐向现今的高原盆地演化,同时发育了最新一期的石林地貌。
More than 20 pandas were born in captivity in China last year. 去年中国有20多只圈养的熊猫出生。
More than 20 percent of Chinese toys and baby clothes are substandard , according to the country's consumer safety watchdog, according to a report on Monday. 本周一消息,根据消费者安全监督部门调查,我国有20%以上的玩具和童装不达标。
More than 20 percent of Chinese toys and baby clothes are substandard, according to the country's consumer safety watchdog. 根据消费者安全监督部门调查,我国有20%以上的玩具和童装的质量不合格。
More than 20 percent of respondents in the survey said Spring Festival provided an opportune time to think about their careers and prospects. 超过20%的受访者说,春节假期为他们提供了一个思考自己职业发展和前途的绝好机会。
More than 20 years later, a new generation found the excitement of the legendary characters. 20多年过去了,新一代的孩子们又发现了那些传奇角色的动人之处。
More than 20 years of economic and social ruin have also left a generation of Afghans largely illiterate and unskilled. 由于历经20多年的经济及社会衰败,一代阿富汗人中大部分成了文盲和没有技能的人。
More than 20 years since its establishment, the group has engaged in the construction of more than 10 highways as Chengyu, Yufu, Yulin, Chengya, Yuqian, Yuhe, Changwan, the city ring highway and the reconstruction and expansion of first or second level ro 集团成立20多年来,先后参加了成渝、渝涪、渝邻、成雅、渝黔、渝合、长万、绕城等十多条高速公路的新建和数百公里一、二级公路的改扩建工程及多个城市道路、港口码头和堤防、房屋建设施工项目。

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