Still only 20, Costa already has a wealth of experience under her belt and looks certain to become one of the pillars of the side.
仅仅只有20岁的科斯塔拥有经验财富,确信会成为栋梁之一。 |
Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up, grew and produced a crop, multiplying thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times.
8又有落在好土里的,就发生长大,结实有三十倍的,有六十倍的,有一百倍的。 |
Still others I know of as concrete human beings, but I can apprehend them only by means of more or less anonymous intersecting typifications.
还有其他我知道的具体人頪,但我可以藉由交错隐匿的类型化,或多或少的理解他们。 |
Still others are loose alliances of different citizens who may only come together at election time.
还有一些政党则是由不同公民组成的松散联盟,可能只有在选举期间才汇集在一起。 |
Still others brought their families to witness the spectacle.
有些人还带着家人见证这个场面。 |
Still others fled over to avoid conscription.
还有一些人为逃避征兵拉夫而逃到山里。 |
Still others involve financial information like the money supply and interest rates.
还有另一些则是包含了如货币供应以及利率方面的金融信息。 |
Still others may have a specific interest, such as butterflies or eighteenth century furniture.
还有些人可能对某些事物有特定的兴趣,如蝴蝶或18世纪的家具。 |
Still others say parents should be less ambitious for their children and have them cut back on their extra activities.
另外,还有些人则认为父母应该降低对子女的期望值,,减少他们的课外活动。 |
Still others suspected a powerful government of using satellites in space to send powerful microwaves to Earth to wilt the plants and make them collapse in various shapes.
还有一些人怀疑是某个强大的政府利用太空中的卫星发送强力电磁波到地球,导致植物枯萎,倒成各种形状。 |
Still others use it to refer to business owners who integrate social responsibility into their operations.
还有一些人用它来指那些把社会责任融入到他们的经营活动中来的那些企业主。 |