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You have done the history report since breakfast,let it be hereto.

You have died, a sheep without soul ,which has already been engulfed by maggot's worm. 你死了,一个没有灵魂的羔羊,灵魂,已被蛆虫吞噬。
You have different points of view, and I think it's problematic if any religion—it doesn't matter if it's Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, any religion—tries to impose its own taboos on the public domain. 我们都有不同的观点,但我认为最有问题的观点是,不论是伊斯兰教、基督教、佛教、及其他宗教,想把自己的神圣图腾强加在公众事务领域之上。
You have distorted my motives. 你曲解了我的动机。
You have done a serious disservice to your country by selling military secrets to our enemies. 你出卖军方秘密给我们的敌人,严重得危害了你的国家。
You have done all this evil, yet do not turn away from following Jehovah, but serve Jehovah with all your heart. 你们虽然行了这一切的恶,却不要偏离不跟从耶和华,只要全心事奉祂。
You have done the history report since breakfast,let it be hereto. 你从早餐之前就开始做这份历史报告,不如就到此为止吧。
You have done us a great favor. 你可帮了我们的大忙了。
You have done your history report since breakfast, let's call it a day. 你从早餐之前就开始做这份历史报告,不如就到此为止吧。
You have doning the historic report from before the breakfast,it would be better to hereto. 你从早餐之前就开始做这份历史报告,不如就到此为止吧。
You have dreams and hopes and desires. 每个人都有梦想,希望和愿望。
You have earned your place in the ranks of the masters. 你赢得了你在统治者阶级中的一席之地。

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