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When you find something you really want, don't let a few dollars keep you from getting it.

When you feel yourself locked in upon yourself,Tonglen opens you to the truth of the suffering of others; when your heart is blocked,it destroys those forces that are obstructing it; and when you feel estranged from the person who is in pain before you,or 当你遇到困境,施受法能告诉你别人的苦难;当你内心郁结,它能摧毁阻碍你的力量;当你感觉对别人的苦痛漠不关心时,它能帮助你发掘内在自我,显露你真性流出的爱和无尽的光辉。
When you fight with someone: I feel sad. 当你与某人打架:我会觉得伤心。
When you figure lifetime on, please foster and educate humans. 当你为一生做打算时,请培养和教育人。
When you find a staircase down, go down and come up. 当你找到下去的阶梯时,试着走下去再走上来。
When you find anything, make a note where it's found, and do a drawing in your notebook. 如果你们发现了什么东西,在笔记本上记下在什么地方发现的,并画好草图。
When you find something you really want, don't let a few dollars keep you from getting it. 如果发现真爱,别让不太多的钱成为阻碍。
When you find that once again , you long to take your heart back and be free … if you ever find a moment , spare a thought for me . 当你再次发觉,渴望收回你的心并得到解放…如果妳曾找到片刻时间,多想想我.
When you find that your life is coming to an end and you will not be given a chance to relive, you regret. 当发现生命即将结束,我们不会有机会重新生活时,才感到后悔。
When you find your own unique answer to the question of why you're here, you will feel it resonate with you deeply. 当你找到一个独一无二的答案来回答你为什么而存在时,你会感觉到它会与你产生深深的共鸣。
When you find your own unique answer to the question of why you're here, you will feel it resonatewith you deeply. 当你找到一个独一无二的答案来回答你为什么而存在时,你会感觉到它会与你产生深深的共鸣。
When you find yourself childish,you begin to grow into maturity. 当发现自己的幼稚时,你就开始走向成熟了.

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