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The annual depreciation charge under this method is calculated by applying a percentage to the net book value of the asset as at the end of the previous year.

The annual X Games showcases more than 150 of the world's top athletes competing in BMX Freestyle, Moto X, Skateboard, Surfing and Wakeboard. 每年的极限运动会,都会有超过150名世界顶尖运动好手,在小轮车,极限摩托,滑板,冲浪和滑水等项目展开精彩角逐。
The annual budget compiled by each responsible authority or each township office. 一、由各该管主管机关或乡(镇、市)公所编列年度预算。
The annual budget of that company continues to show a deficit this year. It will go out of business because it is always in the red. 那家公司的今年年度预算出现亏损。因为公司时常出现赤字,不久将会关闭。
The annual college entrance examination blacklist, research by the team leader, my home garden has 13 candidates in the union to be on leave during the college entrance examination and provide office car Shuttle candidates. 一年一度的高考如期而至,经领导班子研究决定,对我园13位家有考生的职工在高考期间予以休假,并提供办公用车接送考生。
The annual conference held by the central bank lowered its curtains Sunday in Beijing. 中国人民银行年度工作会议于周日在北京闭幕。
The annual depreciation charge under this method is calculated by applying a percentage to the net book value of the asset as at the end of the previous year. 这个方法下的每年的折旧费用是用每年的前一年年末资产的账面净值乘以一个百分比计算出来的。
The annual dividend shown as a percentage of the last sale price for the shares. A simplified rate of return on an investment. 以占股票最后销售价格的百分数表示的年度股息,该指标是投资收益率的简化形式。
The annual fee please payable to Richtone Worldwide Limitedto Suite 512, Central Building, 1-3 Pedder Street, Central, Hong Kong. 支票抬头请写“香港富通环球有限公司”,寄香港中环毕打街1-3号中建大厦512室。
The annual floods left precious silt on the fields, a miraculous natural fertilizer which made the crops grow luxuriantly. 每年洪水过后,土地上都会留下一层淤泥,这是能让庄稼茁壮成长的天然优良肥料。
The annual growth in the consumer price index (CPI) surged to 5.6 percent in July, the highest in a decade. 七月份的消费者物价指数年比上涨5.6%,创十年来新高。
The annual handling capacity and throughput of Ningbo Port have both exceeded 100 million ton. 目前港口的通过能力和货物吞吐量均已超过亿吨。

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